Trip planning out west-suggestions welcome & appreciated


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May 18, 2011
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TL;DR-planning trip out west. Here's link of route,-89.1481042+to:42.4632258,-92.8159281+to:Unknown+road+to:42.6627192,-100.2992209+to:43.796439,-102.115455+to:US-16A+W+to:44.8043784,-107.8946593+to:44.5765491,-108.9727492+to:44.7248908,-109.3655131+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:44.4684178,-110.5175247+to:43.763219,-110.7107868+to:43.60494,-110.793543+to:44.1843702,-111.1776762+to:Unknown+road+to:Apgar+Loop+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:43.8268153,-91.049022+to:WI-33+E+to:I-88+W&hl=en&sll=41.803566,-88.058252&sspn=0.039604,0.077162&geocode=FfL4fQIdVmzA-g%3BFbfKhAIdOLWv-ilZnOPl6ZQIiDHkKnzREoLrIg%3BFfnvhwIdyL13-ilTrAVVR97vhzH1CuUDD6UXEQ%3BFR9liQIdagRA-g%3BFT_7igIdLI4F-il3VIaiFYuChzFg-kRzgikmmQ%3BFddHnAIdgdfp-Sm7ykL5q9V9hzH4NWwNXEKEBQ%3BFR1_nQId4aLV-Q%3BFRqpqwIdfaiR-SmP93mdSIdJUzFrHBu-QseTDw%3BFSUvqAIdMzWB-Sk7BX6jGB1MUzHOUSxBeUX1QQ%3BFZpyqgId9zZ7-Smx7RneOpdOUzFmRFMw7NoQAA%3BFQznqgId5md6-Q%3BFbL2rAIdLJNr-Q%3BFcGIpgId7KJp-Sm7jsI_vfxRUzEiRNtRkjdE6w%3BFRPGmwId_q9m-SlfW1AuilNSUzE-WMUsKlEA0g%3BFcxbmQIduWxl-SnRXdTTugZTUzG4mRgTBDTwZw%3BFTIzogIdNJBf-SlPKRBNotVTUzE4CiHmaQAtwA%3BFd_6pgId4WBe-Q%3BFap25AIdSrc0-Q%3BFSgE5wIdINE7-Q%3BFdqh3AIdhfun-Q%3BFTFmzAId0TzU-Q%3BFWLkxQIdnwxI-g%3BFX--nAIdwrOS-ikr7VZWLKb-hzEohHA9uP_MHA%3BFRfJmgIdkuaZ-g%3BFeP4fQId9G3A-g&oq=420+Glenys&t=h&mra=dme&mrsp=24&sz=14&via=1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,22&z=5 Suggestions on route welcome.

I am planning a (likely solo) trip for the end of July/beginning of August to head out west. Dates are July 17th-August 3rd. Sturgis 2014 is planned for August 4th-10th so the Black hills will be in the beginning of my trip as to avoid any early stages of that circus. I am in the early stages of planning, but the route I have worked out thus far will take me roughly 4000 miles from Chicago through the badlands of South Dakota, Black Hills NF & Custer State Park, through Wyoming and into the eastern part of Idaho, north into Montana to Glacier National park, and finally back east through North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

I try staying off interstate highways when I can, but I will take them when I am behind or want to put a lot of miles behind me. I will be spending 2 days in Custer State Park/Black hills to ride all their twisty roads. My destinations once out west are shorter between so I have more time each day to explore roads, take pictures, etc.. Here is a route I have come up with so far [each destination (letter) shown on the map is where I plan on staying for the night].,-89.1481042+to:42.4632258,-92.8159281+to:Unknown+road+to:42.6627192,-100.2992209+to:43.796439,-102.115455+to:US-16A+W+to:44.8043784,-107.8946593+to:44.5765491,-108.9727492+to:44.7248908,-109.3655131+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:44.468418,-110.5175249+to:43.763219,-110.7107868+to:43.60494,-110.793543+to:44.1843702,-111.1776762+to:Unknown+road+to:Apgar+Loop+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:Unknown+road+to:43.8268153,-91.049022+to:WI-33+E+to:I-88+W&hl=en&ll=43.771094,-99.228516&spn=19.62842,39.506836&sll=41.803566,-88.058252&sspn=0.039604,0.077162&geocode=FfL4fQIdVmzA-g%3BFbfKhAIdOLWv-ilZnOPl6ZQIiDHkKnzREoLrIg%3BFfnvhwIdyL13-ilTrAVVR97vhzH1CuUDD6UXEQ%3BFR9liQIdagRA-g%3BFT_7igIdLI4F-il3VIaiFYuChzFg-kRzgikmmQ%3BFddHnAIdgdfp-Sm7ykL5q9V9hzH4NWwNXEKEBQ%3BFR1_nQId4aLV-Q%3BFRqpqwIdfaiR-SmP93mdSIdJUzFrHBu-QseTDw%3BFSUvqAIdMzWB-Sk7BX6jGB1MUzHOUSxBeUX1QQ%3BFZpyqgId9zZ7-Smx7RneOpdOUzFmRFMw7NoQAA%3BFQznqgId5md6-Q%3BFbL2rAIdLJNr-Q%3BFcKIpgId7KJp-Sm7jsI_vfxRUzEiRNtRkjdE6w%3BFRPGmwId_q9m-SlfW1AuilNSUzE-WMUsKlEA0g%3BFcxbmQIduWxl-SnRXdTTugZTUzG4mRgTBDTwZw%3BFTIzogIdNJBf-SlPKRBNotVTUzE4CiHmaQAtwA%3BFd_6pgId4WBe-Q%3BFap25AIdSrc0-Q%3BFSgE5wIdINE7-Q%3BFdqh3AIdhfun-Q%3BFTFmzAId0TzU-Q%3BFWLkxQIdnwxI-g%3BFX--nAIdwrOS-ikr7VZWLKb-hzEohHA9uP_MHA%3BFRfJmgIdkuaZ-g%3BFeP4fQId9G3A-g&oq=420+Glenys&t=h&mra=dme&mrsp=24&sz=14&via=1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,22&z=5

I plan to camp every night and only stay in a hotel as last resort. I have taken a 1 week bike camp trip before and several 3-4 day bike camping trips in the past (and another one planned for the end of this month:rockon:). I feel comfortable with the mileage between destinations. I am leaving 5 days open in case I like something in particular and decide to stay somewhere longer than planned.

I work 2 days a week :Flip: (48 hours per week) and my current employer is lenient enough to give me 2 weeks off. With my work schedule that will give me 18 days to spend on this trip. At only 23 years old I feel this is my opportunity before I get married, have children, and find a new job that wont allow me so much time off. I don't want to look back in 10, 15, 20 years and regret not doing what I have always dreamed of.

I have already done some research on awesome roads and already added them to the route seen above, but if anyone has ridden the areas I plan to go suggestions are welcome and much appreciated. Any general tips not related to the routes are also appreciated. Lastly, if anyone would like to join me during any part of the trip you are welcome to come!

Here's my trusty steed. This is from a few weeks ago when I took a long weekend through Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa

At camp.

All wet from the cold morning rain.
I see you are going through Cody Wy, great place to stop and eat. Very historic. And you have chosen to go up the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway. Too bad you will just miss the Beartooth Hwy. Combining these two highways is my # 1 motorcycle road I have ever ridden. I just rode through many of the places you have mapped out including Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Your pass for Yellowstone will be good for the Teton's as well. A link of my trip last year.

Although I haven't been there, I heard Flathead Lake is worth riding around. You may want to consider it if you have time, otherwise enjoy slabbing it on the Interstate where it's legal to ride 75-80 mph.
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>2 weeks on a bike solo? I'd be bored out of my mind once I was off the bike for the night. Sounds like a great time to think about your strategy on life though! :thumbup:
I see you are going through Cody Wy, great place to stop and eat. Very historic. And you have chosen to go up the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway. Too bad you will just miss the Beartooth Hwy. Combining these two highways is my # 1 motorcycle road I have ever ridden. I just rode through many of the places you have mapped out including Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Your pass for Yellowstone will be good for the Teton's as well. A link of my trip last year.

Although I haven't been there, I heard Flathead Lake is worth riding around. You may want to consider it if you have time, otherwise enjoy slabbing it on the Interstate where it's legal to ride 75-80 mph.

Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for.

I will definitely have time to ride Beartooth Hwy since my planned route for the day I pass it should take me less than 2 hours. Should I take it all the way to Red Lodge before turning back around?

Depending on how good of time I'm making when I head up to Glacier National Park I might be able to ride along Flathead Lake; doubtful to make a full loop though. Might have to add a day to ride Lolo Pass AND make it around Flathead Lake!

Thanks, Kenny!
>2 weeks on a bike solo? I'd be bored out of my mind once I was off the bike for the night. Sounds like a great time to think about your strategy on life though! :thumbup:

There's a chance a friend will come, but only for the first few nights.

I've thought about this issue, but I'd rather do it alone while I have the opportunity than wait, or even worse, never do it. Being from the midwest where all we have is farms to look at I will probably be in too much awe at the beauty of the landscape to get bored :Flash: . I guess one plus is I will get to ride/see/do what I want, and change plans last minute while on the road. And if I am miserable I could always turn back and head home early (though once I'm on the roads and looking at mountains I doubt it).
I agree about that. If you want to do it, do it now before it's too late! I kinda wish I had done a ride out west but now that I'm married, have dogs and a kid on the way there's no way I could do a trip for more than 3-4 days at a time.
>2 weeks on a bike solo? I'd be bored out of my mind once I was off the bike for the night. Sounds like a great time to think about your strategy on life though! :thumbup:

Travel with friends, meet no one. Travel alone, meet everyone.

Who knows what lies ahead, there have been other trips that our forum members have planned and it turned out to become a group ride. The rider ends up meeting other members along the way.

Going to Red Lodge on the Beartooth would be a nice lunch destination or something. Other than that, that's about it. Turning around and heading back down the Beartooth will be a big bonus. You get to do it twice! It's kind of weird, being above the treeline. You're up around 11-12,000 feet. Hopefully it won't snow!
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Sounds absolutely amazing, can't tell you how jealous I am. I see no issues with going by yourself, I would love to do the same and have a beer and mingle with some locals. Obviously make sure you tell someone where you plan to be and when you will check in. I have a few years on you, and have troubles taking a long weekend with work, so take advantage of it while you can.
Nice route, did Chief Joe highway (again)last fall to Minnesota and it is in the top 10 great roads. Why not pop up into South Dakota and avoid Nebraska and it's slower speed limit on the highways 60 vs 65.

The west side of Flathead lake is best, the east side is more in the forest and not near the lake much.

I have done LD trips alone, it has advantages at times as long as I don't get in a fight with myself :rolleyes:
Nice route, did Chief Joe highway (again)last fall to Minnesota and it is in the top 10 great roads. Why not pop up into South Dakota and avoid Nebraska and it's slower speed limit on the highways 60 vs 65.

The west side of Flathead lake is best, the east side is more in the forest and not near the lake much.

I have done LD trips alone, it has advantages at times as long as I don't get in a fight with myself :rolleyes:

Going through Nebraska because I've never been. Add another state under my belt.

Thanks for the advice on flathead lake!
Update: it is looking like I won't be able to make the full trip up to glacier national park. I am anticipating getting a new job which I can't pass up and will be expected to start August 1st. There are also some other things such as physical, drug test, filling out paperwork etc that I'll need time for before starting.

Depending on how much time I will have I plan on going to either the black hills and Yellowstone or I will ride east to the blue ridge parkway and take it down to the tail off the dragon.

If everything works out I will still get to have over a week to take a trip. It is looking like my plans are going to be decided rather last minute.

Thanks everyone who gave advice! Hopefully I will still get to go west and use some of the info that was given!

Updates to come as more of what is going on with this new job opportunity unveils itself to me.