vision's FZ6 streetfighter

Wow. I can do the mechanical, but I am in awe of the creative. Looks beautiful.

Interested in where you got the rearsets. Love to see if I can source a set.
thanks! i’m the exact opposite, professional artist learning the mechanical stuff as i go along.

the rear sets were called ottimoto from hong kong, i don’t think they are around anymore. pain in the ass to install the directions were just some xerox black and white photos with no text lol
This is insanity manifesting in the most delightful way. :) Love watching this thing evolve.
Thanks for taking us along for the ride.
it’s been a long one! i had lost interest for a while but i’m glad to come back to the build with some new inspiration and skills. really glad to have the forum for all the technical help/support
Looks awesome! I was inspired by these threads to to do the same to mine. I started it, but life got in the way, and its been sat untouched for 4 yrs. I managed to fit r1 usd forks. Powder coated the frame, and wheels. I did make a subframe, and at the time I thought it looked ok, but looking now and I think I might have to start over with that. (If I do finish it) I was originally going to fit the r6 swingarm, but my fz has abs, and the rear shock would foul the abs pump. I didn't want to delete the abs, so went back to the original swingarm. I have fitted r6 rearsets but I'm not sure I'll keep them. I need to work out another subframe, sort the wiring, still have the lights to figure out, and also have the exhaust to do. At the time, I had plenty of enthusiasm, but after such a long break from it, I'm really not sure if I'll ever finish it. I still have all the original fairing etc. so could get another subframe and put it all back to standard just to sell it... If I do ever finish it, I'll get some picture up on here.
shakedown today, first ride in 7ish years!

lots of things to adjust/tweak but pretty happy with it overall!

still don’t have any lights installed yet, no muffler (yes it’s loud) but those are just details lol
