Well Mother Of F***s


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Jun 23, 2015
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So I had saved up some cash for a new exhaust for the FZ6 and was going to get the Scorps. Well I went this morning to get the Oil changed in my car(2014 civic) and on my way home this girl runs the red light cuts me off where I had to slam on my brakes, and then starts trying to hit me in MY lane!

I slowed down and she slowed down. When she got back into her lane I sped back up to the speed limit trying to pass her and get to the on ramp to my right and before I could she came over and hit me in the right rear by the tire. SO now I have to deal with insurance and crap and unless I can get her insurance to pay for it I have to use my exhaust money for my deductible. Just my damn luck.
That stinks......so she does have insurance? and a cop ticketed her as being at fault?

I had a similar thing happen and because there were no witnesses' besides my daughter, the driver at fault was not ticked and I got screwed!
Sorry you experienced that! But...... Crazy acting driver + distance = safer resolution. :)
That stinks......so she does have insurance? and a cop ticketed her as being at fault?

I had a similar thing happen and because there were no witnesses' besides my daughter, the driver at fault was not ticked and I got screwed!

Not sure yet on the tickets, I did not get one. Waiting on police report. She does have insurance. I really want the police report to see what the officer wrote because I recorded exactly what I told him and how it happened.

Where the damage is to my car and her car it looks like she tried to perform a PIT on me.
Sorry you experienced that! But...... Crazy acting driver + distance = safer resolution. :)

Yea that is why I slowed down and when she got back over I thought I could make it to the on-ramp before she came back over on me. I almost made it, if I was to have sped I could have and been on my way. I really didn't want to stop in the middle of the road and get into a confrontation with them being all crazy but I guess they were just itching for it.

Just glad I was not on my bike at the time.
Not sure yet on the tickets, I did not get one. Waiting on police report. She does have insurance. I really want the police report to see what the officer wrote because I recorded exactly what I told him and how it happened.

Where the damage is to my car and her car it looks like she tried to perform a PIT on me.

That's some crazy girl, not to call her anything else! Best of luck.

Ok well I got the Police report. She was cited 3 times. Failure to Yield Right of way, Improper passing, and improper lane change. The damage estimate I got was $1014.53 now it is on Geico. My lawyer is chomping at the bit to take them to court...lol
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Does that include new helmet, gloves, jacket, trousers, cell phone (damaged when you fall even inside the jacket), boots and other things you might carry with you?


Yea I was in the car. If I was riding I could have got away from the crazy lady I am sure.
Ok well I got the Police report. She was cited 3 times. Failure to Yield Right of way, Improper passing, and improper lane change. The damage estimate I got was $1014.53 now it is on Geico.

Glad she got cited but they'll drop 2 of 3 of those charges.. Improper lane change IS the violation.

As long as she was found at fault is what matters..

I don't know what a lawyer is going to do for you, your not injured. I don't know the limit for your small claims court where your at but IF her insurance company jerks you around all you'll get is the PROPERTY damage amount. Then your lawyer will take a chunk of that..
So I had saved up some cash for a new exhaust for the FZ6 and was going to get the Scorps. Well I went this morning to get the Oil changed in my car(2014 civic) and on my way home this girl runs the red light cuts me off where I had to slam on my brakes, and then starts trying to hit me in MY lane!

I slowed down and she slowed down. When she got back into her lane I sped back up to the speed limit trying to pass her and get to the on ramp to my right and before I could she came over and hit me in the right rear by the tire. SO now I have to deal with insurance and crap and unless I can get her insurance to pay for it I have to use my exhaust money for my deductible. Just my damn luck.

Thank GOD you weren't on the bike. But I was thinking you probably could have gotten away from her if you were on the bike. What has this world come to? I swear it makes you want to stay in your house under cover. I am so glad you are OK. Cars can be fixed, but just like on a bike, you can't be easily fixed or replaced. I was riding yesterday and a car a pretty good distance in front of me suddenly went to the right off the freeway off-ramp into the dirt spun around (narrowly missing a fence) several times. Got back onto the freeway and continued down the freeway off-ramp. I was taking the same exit. I slowed down rapidly because I quickly was catching up to it and didn't want it throwing dirt etc. into my path. The chick just drove off like nothing happened. I was like "WTF"? Crazy people out there.
Actually it seems i am. I didn't notice it and didn't think much of it until I woke up the next day and tried to work. It wasn't that bad and thought maybe it was just from sleeping on it but my right forefinger down to my wrist is a little blue and hurts like mad. I can't bend it down without screaming bloody murder.

I haven't went to the doc yet as my Mother-in-law passed and had to drive to GA with my wife. I plan on going if it does not get better.
LOL!!! The hits just keep on coming! So me and my wife are sitting in the house watching a movie. The doorbell rings off the hook and knocking on the door. We were like "WTF?!". We when we came to the door the neighbor said he was sorry but he hit the cars. We went out there and looked and sure as **** he hit both of them and the house.

The Other blue car was a rental and is gonna be totaled I am sure. We had the damage waiver on it so we are safe no matter what. The on my car ...well you see. My car is the 3rd pic

his car.jpg