What are you doing?

Dry Martini

Junior Member
Sep 8, 2014
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In a house
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I am on the patio, on my third ****tail watching the grill. Music is playing through the vacuum valve audio system.

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Half-watching a college football game. There's a green team and a yellow team. :cheer:
Just finished 2nd bottle of Dogfish Punkin.. and a whole lot of apple crisp and apple crepes (see cooking thread) :thumbup:
Just painted some timber for a window revamp, about to for a walk with the better half then back to cut/ fit wood.
Maybe later look at my grab rail mod progress, wash the bike.
Gonna cook a curry then go to the local pub see a band do a set then home for the curry

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
You guys are lucky. I'm working, pulling PR at pee wee football games and making runs. Dispatch has royally screwed us today. I've seen my station for about 5 minutes today. Here's hoping tomorrow will be better and no one dies.

48 hr shifts baby :)
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So the lamb curry is cooking didnt get to the pub and only a vagie look at the grab rail mod but got most of the window done a few beers later and sittjng chilling thinking about opening a bottle of red

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
Yeah its sunday and im eating roast pork belly with roast and boiled veg. Yum ohhh:cheer:
Not cooked by mAKES IT EVEN BETTER.......
Right now I'm TRYING to stop laughing at the new Steeler's uniforms, but am sadly unsuccessful!


OMG, what were they thinking?!?!??!

Just chillin after doing a horse ride in the dunes near the stables, together with my daughter :thumbup:.

I know, what do you want to do with just 1 HP ;) Blah