Winter Riding Season # 2

Recently there was an article on a Dutch website about these winter tyres saying they are pretty good :thumbup:

BTW it is now law in Germany (where they make these) that you have to use winter tyres when appropriate.


Yea, we have something similar in Quebec. Sadly, I haven't found any motorcycle tyres with the requested logo
on the side of any yet. We actually have dates when to use winter tyres as well (from December 15th to March 15th) on all vehicules.
Like Kenny I ride all year round and have to negotiate frozen roads and ice fairly regularly in the winter. I don't have a major issue with this type of riding as forward planning and observation is the key. The only aspect of winter riding that really bugs the crap out of me is the cars behind me. They often get really impatient to overtake and don't appreciate the true road conditions, this renders them far to close. I get freaked out because I know that if I fall off they will not have the space or the traction to stop or avoid me. If I were to pull over to the inside the ice and crap build up in the curb would definitely cause me to lose traction so pulling over is not an option and riding faster than the conditions allow also increases the risk of injury.

I saw a mug of coffee sitting right behind your seat - there's no way that's still warm when you get to work... :)

Good observation, yes it's my daily cup of Java that I go pickup every morning on the way to work. Nothing but a quick nuke will fix the temp.

The only aspect of winter riding that really bugs the crap out of me is the cars behind me. They often get really impatient to overtake and don't appreciate the true road conditions, this renders them far to close. I get freaked out because I know that if I fall off they will not have the space or the traction to stop or avoid me. If I were to pull over to the inside the ice and crap build up in the curb would definitely cause me to lose traction so pulling over is not an option and riding faster than the conditions allow also increases the risk of injury.

Exactly but that's the risk that we choose to take. Doesn't really freak me out but I'm aware that if a vehicle is following too closely, I'm probably going to be toast, and hoping that these drivers are aware of it. Legally, not allowing a safe following distance under the current conditions, will probably make it their fault in the event we get hit.

The people driving in the four wheel drive vehicles are the worst. They seem to have the mindset that the current surface condition does not effect their vehicles so they fly on by.
The people driving in the four wheel drive vehicles are the worst. They seem to have the mindset that the current surface condition does not effect their vehicles so they fly on by.

Living in a city generally plagued by lake effect snow but with slightly warmer temps than you, I second this. The thought process is "My car/truck can accelerate faster, so it should decelerate faster too!"

My 300hp AWD sedan may be faster in a straight line on a snowcovered street than most other cages in dry conditions, but yeah, it'll take just as long to slow down so I generally save those donuts and shenanigans for parking lots and empty streets.
my fingers were freaking freezing. My left hand was not an issue, I can ride with my left hand near the engine, but my throttle hand was killing me.

You crazy mofo...U are Superman....i thought riding in the snow was absolutely nuts, but you do it one handed:eek::D:squid::rockon:

Ok Kenny, This is my type of snow riding. It's a lot safer. This was over in Millican Valley east of Bend Oregon. Great place to dirt bike. Super fun in the snow.
Good observation, yes it's my daily cup of Java that I go pickup every morning on the way to work. Nothing but a quick nuke will fix the temp.

Exactly but that's the risk that we choose to take. Doesn't really freak me out but I'm aware that if a vehicle is following too closely, I'm probably going to be toast, and hoping that these drivers are aware of it. Legally, not allowing a safe following distance under the current conditions, will probably make it their fault in the event we get hit.

The people driving in the four wheel drive vehicles are the worst. They seem to have the mindset that the current surface condition does not effect their vehicles so they fly on by.

Yep, riding is the easy part. Dodging the cages is the difficult part.

Years ago (vintage XT500 Yamaha days) I rode to work every day for two years. What stopped me was the time I was stopped at a stop sign and the car behind me couldn't get stopped and slid past me out into on-coming traffic. I trust my skills, but not the majority of others.

Good luck, brother, and carry the torch!! :thumbup:
I have to say that I love the pictures, but I still cannot get over the fact that there maybe a cage behind you not giving the necessary amount of attention to driving. Maybe it is different in the Northwest. It maybe the fact that you are out there garners enough attention from fellow motorists that their awareness is heightened. I have been hit three times in vehicles from behind and have a heightened awareness to approaching drivers. Be Safe.:thumbup:
Is there any reason why you wouldn't have car for the winter? I have always found winter driving to be fun, provided you have the right tires.
Is there any reason why you wouldn't have car for the winter? I have always found winter driving to be fun, provided you have the right tires.

1. I do not know how to drive a car.
2. I am only licensed to ride a motorcycle and not a car or truck.
3. If I drive, God forbid that I hit a motorcyclist because I didn't see it so I will not drive.
3. I cannot afford a car or truck, along with all the necessary insurance.
4. I am against four wheel vehicles and a strong believer in utilizing a great public mass transportation system.
5. I am a conservationist.
6. I'm passionate about motorcycles and do whatever it takes to promote it, even if it requires riding during the winter where the weather is cold and slick.

It can be # one, two, etc or none, or all of the above.