Your experience before your Motorcycle safety class: Please help :)

Hello Everyone; First Post and first time owner of a FZ6R. I just bought my bike a week ago and have never ridden before other then as a passenger on my BF's Yamaha. I am scheduled to take the MSC end of April and looking forward to it. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared - however my BF has been riding for over 30 years and is one of the safest riders I have ever seen. He has been extremely patient and supportive with learning and pushing me to take the course. We are going to go to a local parking lot before the course to give me a 101 on some basic things which I believe will help with the nerves as well !!

There is no need to be nervous. If the course is anything like the one in USA, it goes at a very slow pace and assumes you know nothing about riding a motorcycle.. you just need to be able to ride a bicycle.

I would actually recommend not doing the parking lot thing before your course. Your BF may be a great and safe rider, but unless he is a trained instructor, he may not present the information in the way which will be most beneficial to you. You may also get some contradicting advice.

It's much like being anxious before the test.. most people tend to be more nervous few minutes before the test than during actual test. Try to think about something / anything else for now. :)
I took the MSF course two September's ago. I had a little dirt bike riding experience but I never really enjoyed it before that. My husband and son "taught" me. After I went over the handle bars (Thank God for ATGATT) I never rode a dirt bike again. They didn't give me the information I needed to know how to ride. The MSF course (and instructor) know how to break down the steps and build the skills you need. I have been extremely successful since I took the course and began street riding. I love it!! I'm begging my husband to go out for rides all the time. I even ride around by myself sometimes (to work mostly). Always ATGATT. I also read lots of books about riding (my husband and my 17 year old son do too). I recommend "Proficient Motorcycling" by David Hough and "Total Control" by Lee Parks. Good luck! Enjoy your time together. I my last bit of advise is to let her "ride her own ride".
Not saying that anyone taking a class will get a turn out like this. There was also one other women who is not pictured that was in the class but failed to earn her certificate. I think there were only two men in this particular class. Looks like I got some sun.
