Recent content by AlexdeCatt

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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards inside was very stiff. At the time I didn't know if it was meant to except when someone said something about it. Thank you. Cleaned it withave washing up liquid and got it moving. Re oiled it and changed the oil. Now it works like a dream. thanks guys.
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards

    Milkshake? Yeah I thought we were supposed to use banana flavour McDonalds milkshake? No? I must admit... it does look pretty bad in there now that you mention it. I have no idea about this sort of thing. I do alright though... Should I clean it out, re-oil it, and re-assemble with new gasket...
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards link for inside of cover. Will put a video on shortly of gear changing with the engine off. I keep saying it but thank you guys so much for your continued help.
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards

    I'm trying to put a you tube clip on to demonstrate the issue. The shaft and associated bit's look okay but still struggling. Have a look and let me know what you think. Thanks again. Found the link....
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards

    Thanks so much guys. Some of what was said had too many letters in so it will take further reading to understand. I didn't know some words actually HAD so many letters in... anyway. Will get back to you. Cheers.
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards

    Oh god oh god it's going to be one of them isn't it? Will crack on and let you guys know.
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    Won't go into 3rd gear upwards

    Hi all, been long time since I've been on here. Hi all. jtime just getting set for the summer and I noticed it difficult getting into 3rd gear. Now it won't go in at all. The peg moves but there is no click or resistance. 1st and 2nd seem ok. So before I go removing the engine any suggestions...
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    Thieves! This is getting ridiculous!

    Can't speak much for the US police but I used to work for the UK police and can say a common tactic is to go for scooters as they are easy to hotwire. Bikes generally aren't even safe in garages as they are secluded areas that are rarely alarmed. The ones where they are least likely to get...
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    Error 46

    Okay... I bought a new rectifier. Took some advice and didn't get the Yamaha official one which costs about £56. Any rectifier should work provided its for the correct voltage etc. So this one cost £30.54. No issues as yet but we'll just have to see. However it solved the issues of voltage...
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    Error 46

    Not been able to do any voltage, currant or ohm checks as yet. No multi-meter. My dad came down today but he brought his crappy one which couldn't measure the right values. I'm going to buy one this afternoon and have a look at the weekend if I get time. We managed that check today though and it...
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    fitting a new rectifier or stator

    rectifier is just underneath the front tip of the seat. Take the seat off. Undo the top bolts to the fuel tank. If you've fairing in the way you may have to remove that. Lift the fuel tank up and eithe prop it up on the handle bars OR I have a special magic tool called a "wooden spatula" that...
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    fitting a new rectifier or stator

    Greg! Give me a bell if you want I have an issue with mine that I'm working on. Probably exact same thing. Rectifiers are so so easy to remove. I don't know about the stator I'll do some digging. 07754 214 739. ~ Alex
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    Error 46

    Gah! Back to sqaure one. Started it up to go to my girlfriends, let it warm up a bit. The lights are dim and the console light is flickering. The battery appears to be drained. This is what happened before. It could still be a knackard rectifier because I don't know enough about rectifiers...
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    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance

    Anyone ever read this amazing book?? Changed my life and made me want to fix my bike rather then let others do it. Any other books you've read that changed your life??
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    Error 46

    Sorted! Cleaned the rectifier connectors and the connectors going to it with some light sandpaper. WD40'd it. Started it up. The engine light was on for about 5 seconds then went out. Ran some basic tests. So far so good. I imagine the corrosion will return unless I do something about it. I...