Recent content by casual_lee

  1. C

    Fan not kicking in....

    yes that was one of the first things i thought of after reading the "rock caught in fan" post. the fan spins freely. hmmmmm.....i guess I'll wait till it hits 4 bars to confirm if the fan doesn't work or not. thanks for the input guys.
  2. C

    separation of church and state

    It's gonna be like that movie Canadian Bacon. lol
  3. C

    Fan not kicking in....

    I think there is something wrong with my fan. It doesn't seem to kick in like it did before. Before i low sided my bike, the fan would kick in after two bars. Now when it hits 3 bars, i still don't hear the fan. At what temp(in bars) does your's kick in? Is there a way to check if the fan is...
  4. C


    in actuality he's really a marsupial, and has a family of opossums suckling on his teets. :D
  5. C


    I wear a small timbuk2 bag with a cross strap so it doesn't dangle. plus i can clip on reflector strips.:rockon:
  6. C


    lol you're like a woman with out a purse! :D
  7. C

    Not recommended for a sport bike.

    why is everyone excited and cheering in the vid? its not like it's a huge accomplishment....
  8. C

    mmmm Lobster...Los Angeles guys!

    sweet. you got my number, call me when you need an extra hand.
  9. C


    I have not even but i heard he's one cool cat. plus his DIY vids are kickass. on a side note, I moving from resident here is West LA to Azusa which would make those mountains practically my backyard. haha
  10. C


    non other.
  11. C


    so let me tell you about a short story about a boy who was destined for the FZ6 It was Sunday, February 10, 2008 at exactly 10:35am (I know this because a photo was shot that exact moment and jpg files retain these infos). It was a beautiful day without a single cloud in the sky. A friend of...
  12. C

    mmmm Lobster...Los Angeles guys!

    no boat or kayak. I'm limited to the piers. Most people don't believe me when I tell them that you can catch 'em from the pier. If only i had friends with boats. :(
  13. C

    mmmm Lobster...Los Angeles guys!

    not a scuba diver but I go hoop netting everyweek since the season opened! I've always wanted to scuba dive but when I was younger I popped my right ear drum twice. Now I can't go below 12 ft of water and i'm prone to ear infections. blows. So far this season, I have no bugs to show for my...
  14. C

    Oil at $77 a barrel...

    i'm totally drooling over the prices you guys are posting in your areas. Here in Los Angeles, I'm still paying $3.45 a gallon for the lowest octane in my car but I can't complain since two weeks ago it was $3.79. It's kinda funny, earlier in the year, the analysts all predicted that oil would...
  15. C

    motorcyclist gunned down Glendale, CA

    just saw this article today. Pretty messed up when someone shoots down a motorcyclist on the highway. As if we didn't have enough to worry about.... - Murder Investigation Closes 210, 2 Connector