Recent content by Gutshotpro

  1. G

    Bris Fizz

    I'll be keen if the weather holds - supposed be to doing a ride down that way Sunday anyway. Did MT Mee last Sunday and managed to get some good cornering in on a section that the rain hadn't got to yet, but overall it was a fairly wet ride surface. Will this weekend's one be set up for next...
  2. G

    Bris Fizz

    I did a search on this 'Lions Road' - so it's into Northern NSW? The planned route posted here is showing north of Brisbane though?
  3. G

    Bris Fizz

    Sunday 25th sounds good to me - the FZ is in for a full service 24th so will be wanting a good thrashing! Being the resident Kiwi, can anyone fill me in on where this 'Lions Road' is located?
  4. G

    Bris Fizz

    Is anyone going for a ride this Sunday?
  5. G

    Mirrors suggestion?

    How about for the FZ6N? Without the screen I guess the options are limited?