Recent content by notaduc

  1. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    I have the TBR juicebox, but yes, folks would want to tune for it, for sure. I had planned to point this out upon officially offering the service. I was hoping to try it out myself and be able to offer good guidance for the TBR JB route.
  2. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    I am just about to do mine. Once I do, I will get some photos and a video for sound, plus order tubing to have on hand, Id like to be able to offer 1 day turn around for this, so long as I know I have one en route.
  3. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    I was planning to offer a cat delete service. I will look into the slip on situation.
  4. notaduc

    Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again

    I will gladly take over. I just quit my day job at Tesla motors as a Machinist/fabricator to work for myself. I have the time and equipment. Let me know if the offer stands!
  5. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    Looking at his thread, it sounds like he intends to continue production in the future, I will check with him, but he did promise.
  6. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    Top of my list will be engine crash bars, Im not fond of any on the market, especially reading that multiple riders have had them some mysteriously crack without any impact. Plus Id like them to double as highway foot rests without being obtrusive.
  7. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    I remember reading about this mod when I got my bike, I personally love the clutch engagement on my bike, but Id be up to make something similar. With his blessing of course.
  8. notaduc

    New to the forum. Hope to bring you some parts.

    I got my 2008 FZ6 about 8 months ago, and have put almost 9000 miles on it so far. I just quit my day job in R&D at Tesla motors, to start up doing metal fabrication on my own. I have a couple things I want to make for my FZ6, hopefully I can build and sell them as well. Im waiting to hear...