Recent content by Pattybigdaddy

  1. P

    07 FZ6 overflow gas leak

    Yeah I've opened the tank before, not the easiest but I have it open again. Which one of the two lines is the overflow line? I see them both but neither seems to be corroded.
  2. P

    07 FZ6 overflow gas leak

    I was thinking something along those lines but I wasn't totally sure. And thanks for the picture! It really helps me visualize how I'm Going to tackle this project. Now, I'm going to go run her out of gas (Good excuse to go for a ride :D) and I'll let you know what it looks like once I get in...
  3. P

    07 FZ6 overflow gas leak

    I am experiencing this exact problem, except I am able to hold about half a tank. I thought it could be the same cause that you thought, the corroded overflow line inside the tank. Did you ever solve the issue?
  4. P

    Sprocket change

    Did this lower your overall mileage by any real significant amount?
  5. P

    Sprocket change

    What kind of mileage do you get after the mod? Is it a real drastic drop or just a little?
  6. P

    How much did you $spend on your fz6? $7200

    I recently bought my 05 for just $1500 at 5k miles. It had sat for a year or two, which is why I got the price. FZ6 wasn't my first option, but looking back I would 100% buy it again.