Recent content by silverx10

  1. silverx10

    Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off..

    Re: Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off.. (Updated 3/11/11 3:38 pm - Arizona) Glad that you made it out of the ordeal with your life. People that drive big trucks like the F-series need to get their licenses the same way that commercial truck drivers get theirs...
  2. silverx10

    The price is right?

    Daaayum, I'd take some o' that. Yeh, I paid $3,200.00 for my '06 with 4,200 miles on it.
  3. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Welp, I'd say this is the best way to bring this particular thread to a close. With everything in working order, I suited up and headed to the nearby inspection station. A quick once over, aaaaaaaaand... Mission accomplished. :thumbup: As always, appreciate the insight, and I shall be...
  4. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    So I just got back from NAPA. As was said earlier in the thread, they do have the bulbs there. Problem is that they're missing the elusive center bar holding the filament. Upon talking with one of the gents there, turns out he's seen something similar to the bar, but it was manufactured by...
  5. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Found the issue without having to remove any of the cowling! The one on the right is the offending incorrect bulb that I ordered from PartShark, whereas the one on the left is the one that came along with the bike. Far as I can tell, the only difference is that the one on the left has got...
  6. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    I'm assuming so since it's got inspection stickers on it and since my course requires that I bring proof of up-to-date inspection for the temp tags for base access. Not being facetious, as all I know is what I read online. Gots no motorcycle savvy friends to speak of down here.
  7. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Wow, I honestly had no idea the DMV did state inspections. Coming from Alaska, the entire concePT of an inspection was a foreign one, so I'd always assumed it was just something that helped the car dealerships and lube places make some extra bucks. That being said, can I just get it...
  8. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Alright so that's one less possibility to worry about. Temps dropped down to 25, so I'll tackle it first thing in the AM. Random side note: Any suggestions where I go to get 'er state inspected? None of my local friends seem to know.
  9. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Yeah, definitely gonna tough out the cold tonight and get to the bottom of this. Driving me nuts.
  10. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Ahhhhh, the snowball effect... So the consensus that you guys settled on here in the forums has been eating away at me since you brought it up the other day, and I just haven't had the chance to get out and verify that that's correct. Weekend came and the fiancee wanted to spend some time...
  11. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Yeah, patience has never been a strong suit of mine, but fortunately the Navy requires you to get the course under your belt in order to ride your bike on base, so they provide the course for free. So by the end of next week, I'll have my M endorsement and be good to go.
  12. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Thanks to all o' you guys for the quick response. Yeah, the fall was more to the ego than anything else. Right arm was tender for the past month, but it served as a good reminder that I shouldn't get back on the bike until I get through the basic course I've got next week. Fortunately, had...
  13. silverx10

    Laid 'er down: Turn signal issue.

    Brand new to the forums, but from a search for similar issues, I think you guys may be able to be of some assistance (hope so, too!). That being said, here's what happened: About a month ago, I was out on the bike for the first time. Went to take a turn, took it a bit too wide, ended up...