Recent content by Thumper

  1. Thumper

    How did you find the site.

    I was looking up bikes on Wikipedia, clicked a link, and here I be :)
  2. Thumper

    How do you wash your bike?

    I sure as heck use the "blow it out" as an excuse to take my Rebel out for a good 20 minute spin after I wash it. I think when I get my FZ6, I'll increase that to 30 minutes, because there are so many more little spaces. Right? There ARE, right??? ;) I use a hose (rinse, then soap & water...
  3. Thumper

    New member welcome thread..

    :::waves::: Hi, I'm Thumper. I don't have an FZ6, but it's #1 on my My Next Bike list, and unless the insurance is outrageous, I'm hoping to get one in a month or two. Red. 'Cause red is the fastest color, you know ;)