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    Gear Selection Problems

    Man my bike is acting up also! It started yesterday so far its only had issues getting it into first even when stopped and even slipped into neutral twice from first. What the heck is going on?

    Do you want to know how loud the Leo Vince is?

    I ordered my Leo Vince exhaust the day after I bought the bike and have had them on without the DB killers since day 1! They really are not that loud to the rider since the noise stays behind you if you are going fast enough:D! I also picked mine up for a great price at only $365! Great exhaust...

    What did everyone get for christmas??

    Some Oxford heated grips! I have been reading reviews though and thier life span does not sound promising! I ride in freezing temps during the winter does anyone have them, and how well do they work for you?

    Exhaust dilemma

    I picked up some Leo's back in January for a smoking deal of $365 no tax no shipping from starcycle USA! I dont know if they are still that cheap but man did i score!

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    Yep first week I had it! It was well below 30 outside and guess there was a bit of moisture too. Had it slide right out from under me making a right turn at an intersection. I shed a tear but i got really luck with the damage, just a hole in my fairing.

    Exhaust for 05?

    I got my Leo's from starcycleusa back in Jan. and I got a smoking deal of $365 with no tax and no shipping. They where on a closeout price. I love them though they sound great well worth doing makes it sound like a whole new bike.

    Looking for some pipe...

    I think that is where i got my leo vinces from but I scored then when i got them back in jan. I only paid $365 no tax or shipping.

    How NOT to install frame sliders

    I just bought some of the trex sliders but have not yet installed them. I noticed u said u put the shorter one on the left side but im reading the instructions and im pretty sure the longer one goes on the left side of the bike.