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  1. N

    BMC vs K&N vs Original

    Have a K&N. If nothing else because it's easy to clean.
  2. N

    Hanging It Out There

    Some genius roadwork crew cut a trench out of the pavement and filled it with gravel on my favorite country road near my house. It goes across the whole road and is about 2ft wide, but they didn't fill it with gravel all the way so there was about a 3 1/2 inch lip on either side. Did I mention...
  3. N

    price for 06 FZ6 with 36,000 miles

    I'd sell my 06 naked w just under 6k miles for 4k. I'm not exactly a motivated seller though, I love the bike.
  4. N

    Said goodbye to my FZ6 today

    Nice bike! Bet you can't wait to take a long trip on it. Thing looks like a transformer. More than meets the eye.
  5. N

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    Mine is a naked that wasn't a drop conversion. The old man whom had it before me just wanted a naked so he striped it brand new and sold off the fairings. Looked at the post above mine..... Where I live there are deer everywhere, went for a 5 hour ride in Brown County this morning, nothing...
  6. N

    wow... backfire or shotgun blast!

    Too much backpressure form the exhaust system? No clue really, just a shot in the dark.
  7. N

    Why is some people Getting rid of their FZ6?

    I'm not really actively selling mine but I would if the right offer came along. I love the bike, just want something with a bit more power.
  8. N

    Moving to Chicago.... keep my fz6?

    If you've ever done some urban riding you'll be fine. I'd try to aviod the interstate at all cost near there however. It's a beautiful city that rivals new york in a lot of ways. You won't have a long riding season and the wind off of the lake will SUCK some days but I imagine there is some nice...
  9. N

    Need help buying a used FZ6

    That's a pretty good price. Might be able to talk him down a bit due to the miles. The steering bearings going bad is a pretty common problem with these bikes, luckily it's really the only common problem they have aside from the midrange BUZZZZ. If the tires are "new" new I'd take it easy on...
  10. N

    POLL: How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

    Wow, I really thought I'd be a rarity. Nice to see that people are riding safely. I have a 12 year safe driving record, it's worth it for fat safe driver discount on my insurance alone. I could insure a Ferrari for pennies at this point. I'd like to imagine that a cops ees this when they run my...
  11. N

    best all round bike

    An FZ6 of course!
  12. N

    2010 MotoGP Round 7 - Catalunya

    Ugly wreck at the end. Was VERY glad to see that fellow get up.
  13. N

    When to Downshift into 1st

    I rarely engine break when coming to a stop, simply because it leads me to lazy braking. Never put it in first untill I'm right at the light.
  14. N

    Why do you love your FZ6 so much? 3 reasons?

    1) Versatility. It can do anything. 2) Styling. They look great naked. 3) Price. Insurance, repair and maintenance are cheap.
  15. N

    bike saftey

    Glad you are ok. I have Trex frame sliders also. Hope I never have to find out how well they work. Went for a ride at 4pm today and almost hit a deer. Unusual for them to be out on a road that time of day. Luckily a car coming the other way waved pretty franticly and I started looking around...
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    I have a Stebel so I can't help but honk it from time to time. If you have a sharp eye you can see it in this pic.