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  1. S

    Rizoma Bars on a FZ6?

    You know of any bars that will give me a more aggressive lean? I enjoy the way the stock bars are but would love to change the bars a little to give it more sporty..I will give the kudos to you, you did an awesome job with the bars
  2. S

    Rizoma Bars on a FZ6?

    I am looking to trade out my bars on my '08 FZ6. Do you have a more aggressive lean or do you still sit up in normal position like with stock bars?
  3. S

    08 fuel tank compatible with 05?

    Ok so I have a 08 Black FZ6 and my fuel tank has a nice dent on the left side from the previous owner. I have found multiple tanks on e-bay but are from 04-07, are you saying I can get one of these and install it with no issues?