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  1. J

    Another nice ride

    Beautiful scenery. Where was this taken?
  2. J

    Trip from Wisconsin to Florida

    Re: Planning a trip from Wisconsin to florida While they're not soft, I like GIVI hard cases (monokey). They are waterproof, lockable, and you can detach them and take them into your hotel room. In your situation, I'd get a top case and two side cases. You might consider a RAM mount for your...
  3. J

    Newcomer saying hello

    Thanks for the nice welcome. Safety - YES! I'm trying my best to put safety first and fun a close second. ATGATT! and the low-life comment about me... just some self-deprecating humor. Likely works better in person. Thanks again for the most excellent welcome. It's good to be here!
  4. J

    Newcomer saying hello

    Thanks so much for all of the welcome messages. Here's a photo of my new sweetie. You folks and this forum rock! - JimK
  5. J

    Newcomer saying hello

    Hi FZ6 folks After researching bikes, I settled on a 2008 FZ6 (which I picked up just 2 days ago). The passionate and active community (like this forum) was one of the factors that influenced my decision. OK- and the bike is close to just freakin amazing and engineering perfection! So hello...