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  1. T

    Speedo problems

    Hi guys im after so advice My speedo display has completly dies on me due to the prievous owner dropping the bike and cracking the clock casing and then after getting soaked one day on the bike the display has died on me. Iv been looking for a clock to replace it and im thinking of getting a...
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    What speedo could i use on my bike as mine is pretty much screwed!! can i mount another speedo as i cant find any for sale?
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    Water in my clocks any suggestions??

    I have noticed my clocks slowly gettting more and more dull and now i can hardley see anything on them, i have noticed condensation/ water in the clocks and was wondering if anyone has had this problem?
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    My First fz6 and my big plans

    Iv just bought my forst fz6n and thought i would show u a few photos of what im planning on doing and what i have done so far. My first item on the list was a little screen for the bike just to take off the wind buffering. I bought the screen off ebay and sprayed it up myself to match my...
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    Air filters

    Just bought a 2005 fz6n and was wondering do the after market air filters like the k&n make any difference to the bike noise or performance wise? would u suggest buying one to make the bike run better or does it not make any difference?
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    Any help or suggestions welcome

    Hi guys just bought my first fz6n and im looking to do a few mods and could use some advice maby a few ideas from u lot. I have a 2005 euro fz6n and i want to put a small screen on the front just to kick the air off me but nothing to massive and ugly like the touring screens u can get. Another...