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  1. K

    AZ FZ Riders

    Wish I could of made it. Had some stuff going on. Right now I was to take trip out to Salton city that place just looks sweet! Wife is a pbotographer. Something about that back drop a bike and a half naked chick would make a good photo!
  2. K

    Walmart saddle bags as anyone used them?

    Jack do you have any picks?
  3. K

    AZ FZ Riders

    How was ride?
  4. K

    Walmart saddle bags as anyone used them?

    So if it is under the seat the seat won't lock or unlock? Does it rub against the exhaust and get not enough to damage the bags?
  5. K

    Walmart saddle bags as anyone used them?

    Could you run the straps under the seat? I am looking for ones that will work and let me wife ride on the back.
  6. K

    How do you hang or lock your helmet?

    Another option would be the standard gun lock. Much like the master lock posted above.
  7. K

    Thinking about getting rid of parts. Here's the list.

    I would be interested in these two items. I will also send you a PM. Any idea on price?
  8. K

    AZ FZ Riders

    I live in Glendale. . . AKA Phoenix. Looks like you are in Tucson. :(
  9. K

    AZ FZ Riders

    Just got my 06 FZ a few weeks back. Need a new back tire before I do another long ride. Interested in a ride, I will keep checking here.
  10. K

    New to FZ6, few questions.

    Took a long ride today with the wife on the back. We hit a good amount of twisties!! Question about the G2. Will it remove some, or all of the initial snap when you crack the throttle open?
  11. K

    New to FZ6, few questions.

    I have free play at the grip. So it should be ok there. Next paycheck or two I plan on taking it to a shop and having them give it a good once over. Thanks guys!
  12. K

    New to FZ6, few questions.

    Thanks for the great info! Well I am 250ish and I can't let clutch out without it stalling, unless I give it gas. It's more jerky with the wife on the make. Weight might be an issue. I normally shift around 4-6k. And I normally run around town at a steady speed sitting around 4-5k...
  13. K

    New to FZ6, few questions.

    Thanks for the info guys. I guess I should be more clear on the throttle. I know to expect the jerk from when I open the throttle from nothing. The jerkness I am talking about occurs when I have the throttle open and am moving at about 5-12MPH. I am not accelerating just holding it steady...
  14. K

    New to FZ6, few questions.

    Great forum here. Been poking around here and there. Love the How To stuff. I have a 2006 FZ6 with 28K miles on it. Bought it used. I know kinda a lot of miles but it was a clean bike with no issues. I have a question about shifting/driving in 1st gear. Sometimes when I drive though the...