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  1. B

    My thoughts after 2 month on FZ6 2009

    I have not had any problems with heat on mine. I am just getting into the super heat here (100+ all day, because Arizona) so far the only thing I notice is a bit of heat radiating from the engine at a stop light but nothing on the seat. I have an 05 that's 100% stock engine wise so I haven't...
  2. B

    New member welcome thread..

    Yeah, my dad tried teaching me as much as he could (which was remarkably similar to the MSF course) but he's been riding for almost 50 years so he's forgotten more than quite a few people know. Inevitably there was a lot of stuff he forgot to teach me because it had become second nature. But...
  3. B

    New member welcome thread..

    I liked the MSF course, it helped me get back on the horse so-to-speak but it's a lot of slow speed maneuvering it doesn't really do a lot other than classroom work when it comes to real world applications of traffic positioning and all of that. I got my FZ6 for $3800 total and it's in...
  4. B

    New member welcome thread..

    I did not take the MSF the first go around but I did the second time around. I'm still fairly nervous going around town, but it's getting better. Yeah, I could probably get away with a ninja 300 or the new R3 around town but I would be wringing it's neck whenever I went on longer trips...
  5. B

    New member welcome thread..

    Hello All, I decided to join this forum after lurking for a while. I just bought a 2005 FZ6 in January as my second go at a first bike (I bought a 90 ZX-6C many moons ago and made it a mile before I dumped it and then life sort of moved me in a different direction for a while). I'm...