
  1. hemslm43@talktalk.net

    new bike

    my new fz6 fazer with a few extras
  2. N

    08 fz6 left rearset needed no extras

    I was putting my new pegs on and broke off the bottom piece that holds the pegs on :/ all I need it's the actual piece no bolts no shifter just the whole piece any help would be greatly appericated. Get ahold of me through text or email 814-nine three two- 8703 or [email protected] just put...
  3. metallicat

    Kind of jumped the gun and got a new toy :-| ...

    Happened so fast I didn't know what happened! Blah I am taking delivery in a few days.... Expect to see S2 parts and extras on sale soon :spank: As far as this forum - I ain't going nowhere!