
  1. FinalImpact

    How to nearly plummet to your death | Dirt bike into the drink from the Rocks

    Crazy.... skip to 5:00 if you must.... Complements of @<a href="" target="_blank">mxgolf</a>
  2. lytehouse

    Happy Birthday mxgolf!

    Didn't see it this morning...but here it is! Your own Birthday Thread! Hope you had a wonderful day and all your wishes came true......
  3. FinalImpact

    Front Chicken of Street 675 vs FZ and Brutale

    Rode ~260 miles of really twisted roads this past weekend and when we stopped I noticed the front tire of the Triumph 675 had maybe used 2/3 of the tire while the back was like mine with maybe an 1/4" of chicken. The Two FZs and the Brutale had used much more of the front tire. Point: is the...