
  1. D

    WTB Stator 2011 FZ6R

    Good morning, Had a car side swipe me while doing 75 on the 5. I am happy to not be too injured but my bike took the major impact. It caused my stator casing and stator to crack. So I am having a hard time tracking one down. Please contact me if you know where I can find one or if you have...
  2. F

    App. for tracking my rides.

    I got a phone mount for my Handle bars and an external battery back. I am planning on using my phone for tracking my rides. What apps would be good for this? I have Map-My-Walk, not sure if it will track on my bike as the speed will obviously be faster. I have an Android Phone.
  3. FinalImpact

    Camera technology advancing

    I'm guessing everyone has seen this stuff but for those who haven't check out a couple of the vid's in the link... Tilt, pan, zoom, focus, tracking you... where will we be in 10 years??? Camera Bundle – SOLOSHOT --> Videos - Soloshot Wonder how it would do while moving with...
  4. L

    Keeping track of threads?

    Hey I'm new to this site and I was wondering if there was a way to keep track of my new threads after creating them? For example, my first thread was a question about the wiring behind the instrument panel. The only way to find it is to search "instrument wiring." Is there a button somewhere...