Bachelor's degree celebration run!


Junior Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Eugene, OR, USA
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Greetings all!

I'm planning a week long road trip next month with a friend on another bike and (possibly) an entourage following in a car (anyone we can convince to spend a week camping in eastern Oregon with us!). Distance-wise, it's not too challenging, with about 4 hours of riding per day, avoiding the slab as much as possible, and camping at lakes so we can swim off the heat once we finish each day.

Are there any experts on the area with suggestions, such as route changes, spots we can't miss, etc? Even though I grew up in Oregon, I hardly spent any time east of the Cascades, so I am open to anything! I'm following Whirlygirl's example and getting some Motopak luggage to turn the old girl into a sport-tourer for the trip, and will do my best to take as many pictures as I can for posting upon return.

The route is linked below. Each waypoint is a state campground and a day of the trip. What do you think?

Six Days of Riding!
I don't have any advice for your trip, just wanted to say congratulations on your degree :rockon:

Whatever trip you decide on take lots of pics and tell us all about it :Sport: