Do you see what you get when you mess with the warrior??


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2009
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Astoria, NY
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OK... first oil change down...

get everything set up... foiled the headers... oils flowing

I couldn't quite get the wrench on the filter, soooo
I got into a fight with the filter... it wasn't bloody as much as greasy...
I think the pics are funny

So after I go to put on the new filter and it didnt fit right... CRAP!!
5:50 I grab my new phone (G1)
5:51 Im on the forums
5:52 Find the right thread and hi tail it to PEP Boys in my wifes car
5:57 I find the right filter and checkout

6:10 Put on the filter and roll

I thought life without a blackberry would be miserable 3G is the greatest thing ever... aside from my wife... ok she looked away... aside from the FZ

BTW... bike is a bit smoother but the exhaust looked a bit smokey on a tight turn I hope I didnt do that... Anyway that could result form an oil change??
Dude what happened to that filter??????

Gentle is the key man.

I dont even have to use a oil filter wrench to remove my filters, just till it touches the base gasket and 1/4-1/2 turn more. They never just come off.

Glad you got it fixed up.
Did you watch Dragnet as a child?
Those times sound like Joe Friday talking.

I use the oil filter wrench that is like a big socket that fits over the end of the filter, never had any trouble with that type of wrench.
I don't have to take my filter off, I just give it the eye and it unscrews itself.

You mutilated that thing haha.
Did you watch Dragnet as a child?
Those times sound like Joe Friday talking.

I use the oil filter wrench that is like a big socket that fits over the end of the filter, never had any trouble with that type of wrench.

Just the facts man... I used to watch it on Nick@nite... but I thought the TOm Hanks/Dan Ackroyd Movie was AWESOME!!! Goat Leggings PAGAN (People Against Goodness And Normalcy) The dad from Sound of Music classic...

Yeah I think it was a little overdue for a change the oil looked nasty... I went with a nice synthetic and a sure grip filter...