got lucky tonight ... could have been Ugly


just a rider
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Central Florida
Went out for a spin tonight and since it was not oppressive suited up with full gear. Was about 50+ miles into it and on my way home on a secondary road 35 mph speed zone.

I was following a pickup truck and he signals right ---- breaks.... and actually starts the right hand turn. THEN ....without warning Yanks it hard to the LEFT and makes a LEFT turn as I was preparing to go by.

Like it was in slow motion (actual speed about 35 or so) I think Holy Crap he is turning right in front of me. I give the ole FZ6 breaks a nice work out and stop HARD

About then he acts like he now sees me ( I had been following him for 1.5 miles ) and stops just as I am going by with out hitting him.

YIKES ---- evasive movement round 2 ----hook the right around him much sharper now that the MORON stops.

Final thoughts after the :Flip: ----

Glad I have been reading TOTAL CONTROL and a TWIST OF THE WRIST. Cuz
  • I grabbed a bunch of front break therefore no skidding
  • I kept it up while making sure if I had to lay it down I could have
  • the move to the right was executed with nimble steering & throttle
  • I resisted kicking his butt and thereby getting arrested

I guess the 45 years of riding paid off (I started when I was 4)

A bit of a rush ....but it ended well :D
Yea that is a scary thing for sure. When someone turns on the right signal ans slows, I blow by them as quick as possiable.
Glad that turned out ok for.
Those books sure make riding alot safer.
The only thing that made me nervous allday was a Semi drifting left into the lane I was driving in as I was passing him.
Like you, brake already covered, practiced stops, progressive squeeze, and a bad situation becomes a desire to flip someone off instead of trip in a abulance.

Good job on not flipping him off.
If some twit in a car makes a mistake once, I'll just give them the dirty look.
They do it twice I follow them until they stop. Get off my bike and as calmly as i can explain to them that they just about ended my life, tell them they should pay more attention and then threaten to just about end thier lives.