Got mine! 2006 blue

It took 9 years of begging for her to finally give in:thumbup::cheer::rockon:

:rof: it took me two rides on the back of hubby's vmax, told him I wanted my own and had it about a month later for my birthday.

I think he just wanted to appease me so I would understand him wanting to spend money (GOBS of money) on his.
I live a few miles away from you... why don't we go for a ride? FWIW, I'm taiwanese also... my wife can probably convince your wife to keep the bike. LOL!
Gee I don't get it. Last birthday, my wife bought me:
1) A big life insurance
2) a delapated motorcycle.

It is obvious that your wife loves you a lot less than my wife loves me!!;)

(ok, for those of you totally devoid of humor: Yes, I am kidding)
I talked about buying a motorcycle since high school (I am 38 now). She thought it's just talk because I would talk about it for a few months then stop then talk again. This has been going on for the last 20 years.

The original owner is the Fed Ex driver at my work. We spoke about motorcycle from time to time and he knew I just got my M1 in 1/08.

One day he showed up with this 2006 FZ6 and wanted to sell (he also has a R6 and an older Honda). I pulled the trigger because everything is original and no damage. He has been riding for 20+ years. I have been looking to buy and every motorcycle that I looked at at the dealer has some kind of modification. I just like them the way it left factory. When I went home that night, I did not know how to tell my wife. You know the rest.
haha, teach her to ride it! maybe she'll change her mind!

that's what my gf said. She loves being on it, and she likes to know when I'm done in the canyons...she said, "Maybe if I ride it then I won't be as concerned when you ride alone."

booya...soon i'll have a riding partner in crime disturbing the peace ;)
My wife would have killed me many times over if I just up and bought a bike without telling her. However, I was smart and took her with me when I went out looking...she was with me when we signed the paperwork for mine, sat on it to test out the backseat and we bought her gear at the same time, so I guess I got lucky, and I didn't even have my license when I bought it (though I had it two weeks later!).