this is for wrightme43.......

Regan gets hero status in the folklore of US history, but is that hero status 100% deserved?

1) What effect did Reaganomics have on the deficit? Why was it a good thing to burden the next generation then but not now with bigger economic issues?

2) Mortgage rates went highest under Regan. Look at the facts on that before replying please. Yes Carter left Regan the inflation problem, but why did mortgage rates peak 2 years after Regan took over? That seems like an awfully long time to pin the issue on the previous president.

3) Was Regan's toughness the real reason that Iran reacted so willingly to release the US hostages? There wouldn't perhaps be any coincidental link to the 1,500+ US missiles that somehow went to Iran under Regan's watchful eye of our great country?
Regan gets hero status in the folklore of US history, but is that hero status 100% deserved?

1) What effect did Reaganomics have on the deficit? Why was it a good thing to burden the next generation then but not now with bigger economic issues?

2) Mortgage rates went highest under Regan. Look at the facts on that before replying please. Yes Carter left Regan the inflation problem, but why did mortgage rates peak 2 years after Regan took over? That seems like an awfully long time to pin the issue on the previous president.

3) Was Regan's toughness the real reason that Iran reacted so willingly to release the US hostages? There wouldn't perhaps be any coincidental link to the 1,500+ US missiles that somehow went to Iran under Regan's watchful eye of our great country?

1) Very few circumstances are worth making our children pay for it, however the protection and future of our country and our children is a just cause.

2) Remember this statement and we will talk about it again in a year and a half when I PROMISE YOU the press and current administration will still be blaming Bush. Also should we say Bush was a great president because we saw some of the lowest interest rates ever during his administration?

3)Ronald Reagan: "First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior."

Refreshing isn"t it..... Accountability

Of course the man isn't perfect and there has never been a president who deserved 100 percent Hero status. But with approval ratings of 63+ % when he left office you have to admit that if there is such a thing as a president with "hero status" as you put it, he would be in the list. You don't have to be perfect to stand out as great, just better than the average and he did and still does. I am 36 and in my lifetime he is the best, maybe there was better before and hopefully will be in the future but this is what I have to work with.
1) Very few circumstances are worth making our children pay for it, however the protection and future of our country and our children is a just cause.

2) Remember this statement and we will talk about it again in a year and a half when I PROMISE YOU the press and current administration will still be blaming Bush. Also should we say Bush was a great president because we saw some of the lowest interest rates ever during his administration?

3)Ronald Reagan: "First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities. As disappointed as I may be in some who served me, I'm still the one who must answer to the American people for this behavior."

Refreshing isn"t it..... Accountability

Of course the man isn't perfect and there has never been a president who deserved 100 percent Hero status. But with approval ratings of 63+ % when he left office you have to admit that if there is such a thing as a president with "hero status" as you put it, he would be in the list. You don't have to be perfect to stand out as great, just better than the average and he did and still does. I am 36 and in my lifetime he is the best, maybe there was better before and hopefully will be in the future but this is what I have to work with.

Well thought out responses. The love fest for Obama & MSNBC far left wing commentary is a bit much for my tastes. However he's doing a much better job than the right wing loudmouths would have us believe. Just last week Hannity was still beating a dead horse about Obama's Bill Ayers connection. It's time for both sides to let it go a bit, but until one side relaxes, the other side will keep the defenses up.

Accountability is something that Obama has already demonstrated, so in that sense, yes it is indeed refreshing to see such qualities in our leaders.

Plenty of other moderates are beginning to speak out for real solutions & an end to the party bashing that keeps us from working together for common goals.

The whole "I'm more American than you because I can recite the Constitution" bit (the hallmark of talking heads like Glen Beck) is getting old fast.
Accountability is something that Obama has already demonstrated, so in that sense, yes it is indeed refreshing to see such qualities in our leaders.

How so? Are you referring to his taking responsibility for his personal torpedoing of campaign finance reform? Deficit spending reform? Pork barrel spending reform? Lobbying reform? Accepting at least some responsibility for the financial situation we are in? At least he isn't grandstanding about how he simply inherited all of the problems he faces. AIG is a funny wrinkle, since his staff was caught red handed and he pretended to be outraged at first, then made an "I'll take responsibility" statement at the same time he was claiming he that he knew nothing about it. It was a cop out, he said he had nothing to do with it but would take responsibility for it anyway. You can't take responsibility if you're also pretending not to have any. It was your bill Mr. President, the one you neglected to read before signing. It may be a convenient coincidense that those same AIG executives were also major campaign donators to Obama and Dodd, but it still stinks. In his defense though, he did admit to mistakes with his horrendous vetting process for political appointments, but what else could he say after the massive press coverage of how thorough they promissd to be? When he admits to his personal involvment in guerilla campaigns for sub prime lending to uncreditworthy buyers I will change my opinion, but so far I don't see any accountability on his part that isn't also either politically expedient or unavoidable.