Massachusetts Question 1

Eliminate the State Income Tax?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
We pay sales tax on the vehicles we purchase. My son just bought a 78 Bronco for $900, but the value (allegedly the POS) is at $3500 so he paid 5% of that value. The proceeded to dump another $1000 or so into it just to make it drivable. WE told him not to do it, but he is 18 so.. we have to let him learn from his mistakes. Anyway sorry that was a bit off topic, my point is, we pay sales tax on our vehicles when we buy them, then we pay an annual excise tax (as of the date of sale all prorated, but if you transfer plates they make you file the abatement, think of all the extra they have from ppl that don't) based upon the valuations the towns deem appropriate, that money is supposed to go toward repairs, public transportation (virtually non-existant) and other stuff. We pay real estate taxes $2000 per year. We(the people of the Commonwealth of Mass) are now forced to buy health insurance, (I have been paying for my own health insurance since I started working in 1988) that should help people get off of medicare (welfare) but I think what it has done is force people on medicare to get the mandated health insurance. This was all in effort to help the hospitals offset the 'free care' they give out to anyone that walks in, no matter what their status is. And what about welfare, the people that make a living on it. Free housing, free food, free cash.. I can see why people don't get married.. they got BFs working under the table.. I see people driving in better vehicles (not my FZ6)than I do that are on welfare. After the youngest kid turns 5, cut them off, and no new children allowed to make it happen. When you apply, the youngest child is the one that counts as the cut off... Get your ass to work. I was a single mother for a long time.. but I worked my butt off to support them (no childsupport either) I was setting an example for my children. And these people that make their living off the system are also setting the example. We are taking it up the wazoo.. with the age of technology being what it is. Every major project such as the Big Dig should be voted on by all legal members of the Commonwealth, as well as all expenses and progress posted. I know easier said than done.

ON the matter of the police details it is my understanding that the companies pay for those details. Police officers don't get paid enough in my opinion, but the CEO's of the companies that pay the details do. correct me if I am wrong on the companies paying for the details.

There is alot of waste alot of places.... the problem is how do we fix the waste? We need an overhaul!!! Thanks for listening!
If they remove the tax then other taxes will increase, that has to be a given (even if overall taxes go down).

:eek: Isn't this the problem? We see waste, overspending, stupid failed programs every day. In our little motorcycle forum here we've quickly highlighted millions in misspending. But the state refuses to open the books so that we can see what they are spending our money on. Why? Well, why do you think? We, as citizens, could just say meh, nothing's ever going to change... or we can choose to fire the first shot and let them battle for all the little increases they "need." Saying it HAS to be a given is simply giving up.
ON the matter of the police details it is my understanding that the companies pay for those details. Police officers don't get paid enough in my opinion, but the CEO's of the companies that pay the details do. correct me if I am wrong on the companies paying for the details.

The detail for road construction is paid by you, the state. Even if companies are paying for the expensive detail (because they are forced to), don't worry, you are paying for that to (higher prices). Forget the CEO example for a second though. Let's say a small business owner needs to do some work to their parking lot because they don't meet some ridiculous statute. The state mandated expensive flag waving will hurt them too. Unreasonable costs will force them to raise their prices, be even more uncompetitive with Walmart, lose their customers and eventually fail. This is a much more likely scenario than hurting the few high salary CEOs.
.25 acre in Mass, modest 1700 sq ft. 3br 110 year old house that I paid $135,000 for in 1992. No garage. Taxes are $3000/year. Taxes for your house, which is similar in size but on a bigger lot with the garage, would be around $4000/year. Sales tax on $20,000 car = $1000. Sales tax on FZ6 = $330. Sales tax on other purchases probably $1000/year. Auto/motorcycle excise tax about 4% the first year, decreasing after that. Fee's for my daughter to play highschool sports = $1000/year. Income tax = 5.5% of my income. State fees and tolls for everything else among the highest in the country.

Infortunately for NH, I think you are just a few Massachusetts transplants short of voting an income tax and/or sales tax into your great state.

I agree that we have it better as a tax payer here but we also have a government that is failing to make ends meet. We're in peril at the moment.

The Mass folks are coming here to escape a lot of taxes... they're the ones voting against it. :D
:eek: Isn't this the problem? We see waste, overspending, stupid failed programs every day. In our little motorcycle forum here we've quickly highlighted millions in misspending. But the state refuses to open the books so that we can see what they are spending our money on. Why? Well, why do you think? We, as citizens, could just say meh, nothing's ever going to change... or we can choose to fire the first shot and let them battle for all the little increases they \"need.\" Saying it HAS to be a given is simply giving up.

I'm with you for reforming all govn't spending but cutting a govnt's funding by 40% and not expecting other taxes to increase? That is asking for a disaster of epic proportions.

Cut your household income by 40%. How long could you survive? Now how long do you think Mass. can survive without 40% of its govnt spending? And do you thinkg that 60% thats left is going to be reallocated to the things the citizens want?

Again I'm for change but I don't think this measure will solve anything except redistribute where the money is coming from.
ON the matter of the police details it is my understanding that the companies pay for those details. Police officers don't get paid enough in my opinion, but the CEO's of the companies that pay the details do. correct me if I am wrong on the companies paying for the details.
Companies don't pay for details for state and town funded projects, you and I do. If a company, large or small, has a project that requires a detail, the company is forced to pay for it. If you as a private citizen has something done to your house that requires a detail, you pay for it. In fact, I know someone who paid over $3000 for a weeks worth of police details to have work done on the water line running to their house.

In 2007 225 Mass. State Troopers made more than $140,000/year? (High salaries for Mass. troopers draw fire on paid details - The Boston Globe) In your opinion this is not enough? Since we are already forcing state taxpayers, business owners and private citizens to pay a $38/hr+ for police details, many of which are completely unneccesary in the first place, what should we be paying them? $75/hour, $150/hour, $500/hour?
