Last ride of the year (for real this time)


That Romance Author Lady
Sep 26, 2011
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We had a good rain that hopefully got most of the salt off the road, so dh and I tossed in some fuel stabilizer and went for one last ride yesterday. :D Some twisties, but with a 50kph speed limit in a residential area, we just putted along in second gear and enjoyed the autumn scenery. It was still the best fun I've had all week.

Then we gave them some nice fresh oil for the winter. We'll top up the fuel and put oil in the spark plug holes tonight, then tuck the babies in for the winter.

My 13-y-o son helped me get my bike on the center stand, and I swear he could be the fourth stooge. :rolleyes: We do a one-two-three pull, but he somehow forgot how to count. Then we got the bike almost up, and it was "Wait, it's on my foot." Remember that Bill Cosby comedy routine about kids being brain-damaged fruits? Yeah. That's my kid. :cheer: Oh well, he'll grow out of it in about ten years. Right?
With a little practice, it actually takes very little effort to get the bike on the center stand. It is more about pushing down on the center stand rather than pulling up on the seat.

I will be putting my bike away this week as well. Already looking forward to spring.
With a little practice, it actually takes very little effort to get the bike on the center stand. It is more about pushing down on the center stand rather than pulling up on the seat.

I will be putting my bike away this week as well. Already looking forward to spring.

I've tried the pushing-down thing. But I always feel like I might accidentally push the bike to the side, away from me, if I lose my grip or my balance or whatever. (Envision my bike taking out two other bikes here.) I can get my Nighthawk on the center stand, but I haven't been able to do it with the FZ6. I'm starting to think I know where my son gets his stooge genes. :BLAA:

Are you suggesting that if I keep pushing down on the stand and pull back on the bars, it ought to just pop right up on the stand? Maybe I should practice that with dh spotting me. Hmmm.
I've tried the pushing-down thing. But I always feel like I might accidentally push the bike to the side, away from me, if I lose my grip or my balance or whatever. (Envision my bike taking out two other bikes here.) I can get my Nighthawk on the center stand, but I haven't been able to do it with the FZ6. I'm starting to think I know where my son gets his stooge genes. :BLAA:

Are you suggesting that if I keep pushing down on the stand and pull back on the bars, it ought to just pop right up on the stand? Maybe I should practice that with dh spotting me. Hmmm.

It's one coordinated motion. Having someone spot you is good idea, although maybe not your son :BLAA: Practice in a clear area, just in case you lose your grip.

Anyway put your foot on the centerstand and push down until it touches the ground. Put your right hand on the left rear grab rail and left hand on the left handlebar grip. Now get ready to really push down with your foot on the center stand and rock the whole bike backward. Use your spotter. Do this a couple of times to practice. Eventually the idea is to use a continous rolling motion which helps rock the bike up to the center stand. Hard to explain, but once you get the hang of it, it is really easy.

Hope this helps. And your son is great, just inexperienced. Keep teaching him and he'll absorb and learn from you.
Easiest way to get it up.

Use the side stand - then grab the center of the handle bars with your left hand and rear seat luggage rack with your right hand.

Level the bike and use the foot pedal to center the stand and get both contact points of the center stand down.

Put all of your weight on the center stand foot pedal (with your right foot) while also rocking the bike back.
You guys are making me want to go out there right now and try it. :spank:

Must. Wait. Till. After. Work.
and put oil in the spark plug holes tonight, then tuck the babies in for the winter.

Don't even waste your time doing that... stuff a rag in the exhausts, cover it and keep it in a garage and there will never be a need to put oil in the sparkplug holes....

Putting a bike on it's centrestand is not about strength... it's about technique... Have someone show you (who knows what they are doing) and you won't ever need anyone's help again to put any bike you own on it's centrestand...
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Add a couple dozen more years. I've got kids probably older than you and they still pull those stunts. Like the time the oldest was stuck in a Honda in a snow bank in Cincinatti, OH - and called her Daddy (me) in Houston to help her out. I did get her out (but only because I was raised in PA and lived in Alaska for a couple of years. We still joke about it. Enjoy 'em while you can - they just get older and more expensive. And, BTB, we pretty much ride year 'round down here, so on my next trip to Galveston, I will raise a glass to Susan
I sucked it up and put my full weight on the center stand, and whaddya know? Up she went! :cheer: