Outed as a Canuck

More likely, there needs to be an English to Americanese dictionary, as we here is Oz ALSO say zed - as it should be.

See, funny thing about the English language - it predominately came from ENGLAND.

So to say Americans speak English is really not true - Americans have bastardised the language to suit their own ends.

I believe it was an American president who took it upon himself to change a lot of words. (favour vs favor, honour vs honor etc)

Unfortunately, we are bombarded with American TV, so I see it ALL the time, Australians saying zee and mis-spelling words.

So, it gladdens me that Canadians also share the correct pronunciation - eh?


Hey Rick for the record we kicked the English right out of the states a long time ago. We can say our words anyway we want to.

Now when it comes to a country who has their own way using slang to another level it's you mates down underthere.

Hugs and kisses :D:Flip::D
Hey aussies (is that the right term?), is it true you call mates ****s and ****s mate? Cause this is what reddit teaches everyone. also, that you are upside down.

it never occurred to me that there was any other way to pronounce "FZ6" than "eff zed six"

"eff zee six" just sounds wrong or french
Yeah it does sound awkward, and it's awkward to say. I feel like I have to slooowwww dowwwwwn when I say it. fazer works better. Maybe I'll start using zed.

lone, that could sound german. sechs is how you say six auf Deutsch, and they say zed too I believe. been a few years since classes...
i usually call my bike a "naked Fazer", technically it's just an "FZ6", as the Fazer is the faired version.
Kind of ironic, Lonesoldier, that the sticker is sprouting the use of english, but yet fails to use the correct 'you're' (contraction of you are) as opposed to the 'your'!

Ironic - it's not just a song by Alanis Morrisette!


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Lol, that's why I posted it. But I realized after posting that most people would have missed that. But I chose not to mention it. It made it even more ironic and it pleased me to see it so. Haha kind of a subtle jab at ze Americans. :p

But I still have love for them, even if English is their second language XD
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Lol, that's why I posted it. But I realized after posting that most people would have missed that. But I chose not to mention it. It made it even more ironic and it pleased me to see it so. Haha kind of a subtle jab at ze Americans. :p

But I still have love for them, even if English is their second language XD

Everybody knows Yankee fans can't spell. :eek: