Bulldog bash


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Oct 24, 2007
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I need to cheer myself up after an operation last week (septoplasty) and yet another redundancy looming. My missus is going to a weekend dance festival in July so I've got a weekend pass sometime and I've always fancied the bulldog bash. It's in Warwickshire on 7-10 August. Beer, bikes and topless bike cleaning. Anyone else fancy it?
I need to cheer myself up after an operation last week (septoplasty) and yet another redundancy looming. My missus is going to a weekend dance festival in July so I've got a weekend pass sometime and I've always fancied the bulldog bash. It's in Warwickshire on 7-10 August. Beer, bikes and topless bike cleaning. Anyone else fancy it?
Hey Lugs,
What gives with the job mate? I can't beleive it. I would love to do the Dog, I am going to Spain that week to see me mum.

At risk of redundancy. Unless my manager can find a 'headcount' for me within 2 weeks I will be a victim of financial year ends and 'sweeping red pens'. Gutted. And skint:mad:

Still got a sore (and blocked) nose after last weeks operation to straighten my septum:shakehead:
:hijack: So, is your partner hoping to get some sleep now? Sorry mate, just me being presumptious. I had septoplasty a few years ago because I snored like a pig. Now I snore like a wounded pig. Didn't work for me, hope you have better luck.

I live 10 miles from the 'Bash' site. Not my cup of tea, but if you're up this way give me a yodel & we'll go for a beer or a bimble.

Edit: I know you want to, but stop picking your nose. Hope it get better quick.
Hopefully the Missus and me and our mates will be going, we've booked the time off work and just have to try and scrape the funds together now. This will be our fourth one, it's a cracking break if the weather holds out. As festival type events go it's definitely the best, not just because you're in with thousands of other bikers, but because it's safe and secure, there's very little crime or violence, far far less than there is in a town with that many people living in it. And it has the best bogs of any event I've been to!
Blimey, I'd given up all hope of anyone going! Best bogs. I like the sound of that. I went to Glasto in 95 and 96 and the bogs were ****e, literally

I asked my brother but his wife's pregnant and due the day before the BB.
I asked my mate Scotty and he said hates the angels (rather cryptic - I wonder what history he has with them!)
Can't bring the wife as we have 3 sprogs

The wife has sanctioned me going and yes she does know about the topless bikewash etc etc so cool I might do it.......if I can work out why I've got no headlights. Tried the bulb and fuse so far with no luck.....:confused:
Blimey, I'd given up all hope of anyone going! Best bogs. I like the sound of that. I went to Glasto in 95 and 96 and the bogs were ****e, literally

I asked my brother but his wife's pregnant and due the day before the BB.
I asked my mate Scotty and he said hates the angels (rather cryptic - I wonder what history he has with them!)
Can't bring the wife as we have 3 sprogs

The wife has sanctioned me going and yes she does know about the topless bikewash etc etc so cool I might do it.......if I can work out why I've got no headlights. Tried the bulb and fuse so far with no luck.....:confused:
Lugs you can borrow Norman if its just a ride you need to get there? If there was every a time when a fella needed a few hours of quiet debauchery. Then this is the time.
Obviously Norman would go on the proviso of " You bend it, you mend it". I will even throw in the tent.

Nor.........man:eek: I've obviously been away too long.

Thank you for the offer. I hope to have it sorted by then. BTW I only discovered the absence of lights last night. The missus decided she really wanted a go on the back (for the first time in over a year) so we went to see a mate in Tadley. Came back at 10.15pm and :eek: no headlights. I did nearly **** myself but had to appear to remain calm for her sake.
Nor.........man:eek: I've obviously been away too long.

Thank you for the offer. I hope to have it sorted by then. BTW I only discovered the absence of lights last night. The missus decided she really wanted a go on the back (for the first time in over a year) so we went to see a mate in Tadley. Came back at 10.15pm and :eek: no headlights. I did nearly **** myself but had to appear to remain calm for her sake.
Mate Sormin Norman is a fine stead, Cool that Sarah has got back into the saddle so to speak. Any news on your job?

No news on current job but see below on offers

I hate riding in London. The cabbies are wankers, the bus drivers are tossers, the bendy buses at 17m are tooooo long (come on Boris you said you'd get rid of them) and everyone is really rude.

The bad news is that as I'm facing redundancy :confused: I went for an interview on Wednesday and was offered the job today:Flash:. Great pay and package but it's in London :( - Mayfair to be exact. Boo hoo. I love biking but 35 miles of dead straight, congested, motorway and 15 miles of start stop city traffic doesn't appeal:rant:
I think Norman will want to go up the strip a few times
If you're going, today is the last day to order tickets at the £50 price, they go up to £55 (I think) tomorrow. They are £55 on the gate on the day, but it's a LOOOOOOOONG wait to get in if you haven't ordered them early!

Although there are loads of Chrome and Tassle boys on Harleys, there are also thousands of 'normal' bikes and riders there, so you won't be out of place.