Recent content by zixxerboy

  1. Z

    Heated vest and headlight mod??

    I posted this in Technical but it likely belongs here. Anybody running an electric vest with the BD43 headlight mod? Sounds like you end up about 25watts short of having enough juice to run these both at the same time. Just added the second low beam and now I fear I need to add a...
  2. Z

    Which sliders are the longest???

    I'm looking to mount frame sliders so I can hook my legs over them as highway pegs to take a break on long trips. Anyone suggest sliders with long spools? I've seen some sliders that are short mushroom like things and want to make sure I don't end up with that style - not every site seams...
  3. Z

    headlight mod and heated vest

    Anybody running an electric vest with the BD43 headlight mod? Sounds like you end up about 25watts short of having enough juice to run these both at the same time. Just added the second low beam and now I fear I need to add a switch in the line to turn it off when I want to plug in my...
  4. Z

    BD-43 headlight mod alternative

    Ok, so I thought about this yesterday and I believe the fix I need is to add a second relay that uses the high beam feed for the trigger to turn off the low beam. The first relay needs power to turn it on the second relay will need power to turn it off. I think this will solve the two on -...
  5. Z

    BD-43 headlight mod alternative

    FAAK You guys got me spooked now. Hadn't really thought too much about the extra watts I'm drawing especially since I've fallen in love with my electric vest. I tried the BD43 and for me the large connector was just too tightly buried behind the coils. I had the airbox out and the batt...
  6. Z

    moto slang

    a hot chick connected to biking
  7. Z

    BD-43 headlight mod alternative

    The only load I have added is the operation of the relay , which I believe is minimal. Power for the low beam came right from the battery. I can't see the high and low beam running together as problematic since they draw power from separate sources through different wires. Time should...
  8. Z

    Tomorrow's Goals

    How do you like the bar end mirrors? The stock ones look kind of ugly but after so many bikes with only a single fuzzy image of the rear ( that constantly needed adjustment due to weak adjusters) I really have become attached to dual mirrors with crystal clear images.
  9. Z

    BD-43 headlight mod alternative

    I tried to do the BD-43 mod. I had the airbox off and the batt box pulled back but I just didn't have the nerve to pull hard enough to get the big connector out far enough to separate it. Then I saw someone suggestting a jumper from the black/green lead on the left light to the top (empty) slot...
  10. Z

    Need some opinions on my touring product wish list.

    Windsheild - I cut 3" off the height of mind and buffeting was greatly reduced. Seems the wind hits your chest instead of your lid and it's much quieter. Almost as quiet as when I stand up on the pegs and my head in a "clean' air stream. Highways pegs - I also put long days on the bike and...
  11. Z

    Frame slider of choice?

    $14! Is per side?
  12. Z

    Frame slider of choice?

    Some great suggestions. Thanks all. I'll be checking out the puigs closely, since one of my main reasons for the sliders is to use them as impromptu highway pegs on long hauls.
  13. Z

    Frame slider of choice?

    I'm looking for suggestions for frame sldiers for my 06 FZ6. Any brands to keep away from? Or absolutely should buy? Thanks
  14. Z

    bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 2

    The extra lamp AND an electric vest are no probs?? The E vest takes top priority.
  15. Z

    Wire disconnection

    Thanks guys. Is removing the airbox as big a task as it first appears? looks like about 4-5 tubes or hoses that need to come off - a few wire connections- then loosen the throttle body clamps (four hex head screws that I can hardly see, let alone manouver an allen wrench onto) Then there...