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  1. Eldberg

    Mystery thingy

    Thanks guys! I figured it out. At the place where the brake line is attached to the swing arm, there is first the fender on top of the swing, then the mysterious washer, then on top of that and completely covering it is a piece of metal that holds the brake line. And finally on top of...
  2. Eldberg

    Mystery thingy

    When I removed the rear wheel & fender on my 2004 FZ6, the front of the fender was attached to the swing arm with a plastic expander. As I pulled on it, it broke and fell to the floor together with a dark greenish metal thingy. I assumed that the metal thingy had sat in the same hole, as a...
  3. Eldberg

    Rear wheel lube

    Thanks for the grease hints. I eventually found something called Motul Tech Grease 300 which seems to fill the requirements. So I used that, re-assembled the bike and rode a couple of miles. Seems to work. Tech Grease 300 - Motul Now, what about the front wheel? Are there bearings there which...
  4. Eldberg

    Rear wheel lube

    Oh boy, your sprockets look real nice. I tried de-grease, white spirit, gasoline, acetone, paint thinner, basically every chemical in the garage but those dark stains just wouldn't go away. News step was abrasive with a rotating brush and I fear I have now removed the Zinc stuff. I plan to...
  5. Eldberg

    Rear wheel lube

    Here is a followup regarding the sprockets. When they came off and the wax had been removed with white spirit, I noticed that the sprocket ring still looks dirty. So I tried with various cleaners including some abrasives. It looks like the surface is covered with something grayish, like a very...
  6. Eldberg

    Rear wheel lube

    Awesome reply, FinalImpact! I'm completely illuminated. Thanks! I did remove the sprockets because they are in need of cleaning; lots of chain wax there… Åke
  7. Eldberg

    Rear wheel lube

    Hi people. My FZ6 now has 6200 miles on it and I thoyght it might be time for some maintenance. Since the bike is 10 years old (2004 model) I was worried that lubrication may have dried up or aged, so I removed the rear wheel to have a look. Okay, here is the wheel and the various bearings...
  8. Eldberg

    Changing coolant

    This is a COOLANT!
  9. Eldberg

    Changing coolant

    Oops. Time for some humble pie. I said I could account for every bolt/screw in the fairing chart; I was wrong. Finally identified where the little screws go. There is a small hole right on the back of where the mirror stems are attached to the upper fairing. That was it. Red ring in the picture...
  10. Eldberg

    Changing coolant

    Thanks Townsend for the pic. I can account for every bolt and screw that's in it and the two left-overs are not in it. They must come from somewhere else. I will simply have to take the bike to the workshop and ask an expert. Or wait until something falls off... :-) Åke
  11. Eldberg

    Changing coolant

    Thanks all who have contributed. I emptied the reservoir with a 200 ml horse syringe and a piece of rubber tube. Rinsed the system with distilled water, filled with red long-life ethylene glycol. Reassembled the bike and test rode it today after winter storage. Worked perfect. Only problem is...
  12. Eldberg

    Changing coolant

    Have looked up the procedure for changing coolant in the shop manual. Is there anything special I should think of? Looks difficult to get the reservoir out so it can be emptied... Åke
  13. Eldberg

    Very low fuel consumption

    I'm surprised by the high consumtion reported by several people. Now I don't have the faintest idea about miles per gallon or furlongs per fortnight... but my 2004 FZ6 averages 4.5 liters per 100 km when ridden conservatively at 90-120 km/h. Åke
  14. Eldberg


    I actually don't know if the TPS was bad. I thought the motor sounded weird, diesel-like when hot. Perhaps this comes from my riding fully plastic-enclosed bikes for many years; I just wasn't used to the noise of a naked motor? Anyway, the experts say there is nothing wrong with the sound...
  15. Eldberg


    Okay, situation and problems resolved. As to the noise, a tech guy listened to the bike and said it's normal rattle, not detonation. As to the TPS, I first contacted the local dealer who said "no, we don´t think they will honor the recall because the bike was bought in the USA". I wrote a...
  16. Eldberg

    Reassembly fuel system

    Thanks dudes! I was confused by the airbox thingy. Now managed to get it all together and the bike fired up almost immediately. If you ever come to Sweden I'll buy you all a beer. Åke
  17. Eldberg

    Reassembly fuel system

    Oops, I removed the tank from my 2004 FZ6 in the autumn and now I can't figure out how the thingies fit together. Please see attached photo. Thingy #1 comes out of the tank, or rather, the fuel pump. Thingy #2 is the main fuel hose from tank to motor. Thingy #3 is some sort of electric...
  18. Eldberg


    I decided that the TPS change cannot have happened in the USA because according to Townsend's info above (THANKS!), recalls began in 2006 and by that time this bike was already in Sweden. So I have written to the Swedish importer, told them the story and am now waiting for what they have to say...
  19. Eldberg


    Could somebody please tell me what 1-88-888-YAMAHA corresponds to in numbers? Swedish telephones are strictly numeric, no alphabetic characters. Åke
  20. Eldberg


    I think the problem here is that Yamaha in Sweden will say "we don't know whether the TPS has already been replaced on your machine" or even "you didn't buy it from us so go get stuffed because it's a different market and we don't care what the US Yamaha do or say." I may have to go to Japan and...