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  1. S

    My Wife's 2010 Divi Has Spoiled My FZ6 Ride!

    I rode my wife's 2010 600 Diversion back from work today and I wish I had not. It rides like a dream. Easy to turn on the corners feels secure on the rubber and slow riding is easy. I love my FZ6, I love the chunky tyres, the twin exhaust, the build quality etc... etc.... but the feeling I had...
  2. S

    I'm riding through the UK winter but I'm told I'm mad!

    This is where I'm at. 42 years old. Rode a bike for the first time last May. Got my full licence September. (Now have 5 bikes but that's another story I'm getting counciling on). I haven't stopped riding and I'm told im. Mad. -6 today but roads were not bad. I felt I could get more experience by...
  3. S

    Should I use Yamalube?

    I'm just about to do my very first service on my recently purchased bike. Got 19k miles on the clock. Iv purchased a carb sync thingy and just about to order the filters and oil etc... Filter i'v read on here is best with the nut on the end for ease of removal. Are there any advantages of buying...
  4. S

    Where do you sit on your bike?

    This may seem like an odd question for my first post. Having gained my full licence last May I'm still learing a lot. I often wonder if im sitting correctly on my bike. I like to sit up front with my sack squashed against the tank. I feel like I handle the bike better and have better control and...