Search results

  1. I

    Brakes... won't brake

    Hey guys, so this is actually for my girlfriend's bike (1979 Kawasaki KZ400), the forum for that thing has been dead for like 2 years though, and this place has such smart folks ;) We bought this bike and I thought it would be easy to get back on the road, and I've been kicking myself in the...
  2. I

    Hard Gloss Coating

    So I'd like to premise this by saying I did a search and couldn't find a threat, so if there is one it's my lack of search skills... not lack of trying ;) I have attempted to paint my handlebar + gas cap twice now (some lady hit my bike and bent the bar... so I had an excuse this time)...
  3. I

    Turny Thingy is Broken

    So, someone hit my bike in a parking lot and knocked it over. Hard. *sigh* Ironically, this has done more damage than the many times I laid it down when I first started riding (suggestion: do not teach yourself on a 600 in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains). The clutch lever is bent...