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  1. mdr

    Quantum of Solace

    Have to agree with Steveindenmark on all points. It was OK at best. Not a BOND film in the true sense of the words. Several scenes seemed "too familiar" though I would have said they were stolen from other movies. Definitely not up to the caliber of Bourne series, I gave Quantum 3 stars out...
  2. mdr

    Do you like electricity?

    You might want to think back to 2003 and the massive heat wave France experienced. You know, the one in August where a week of 100+ degree temps left almost 15,000 people dead. One of the (many) reasons for the catastrophe was that some of France's nuclear plants had to be shut down during...
  3. mdr

    Do you like electricity?

    Until proven wrong I have to agree with Oscar54 on the coal issue. The outcome Obama wants is not to bankrupt current coal plants, but to encourage that our NEW sources of energy are clean. You will not get clean power in the NEAR future if you keep subsidizing dirty energy sources. The lack...
  4. mdr

    All Obama supporters should watch this:

    Just a nitpick, but you might want to take another look at the Constitution. President Palin will be able to pick the next VP should she "be so blessed" as to ascend to office. Sort of like what happened when Spiro T Agnew got caught with his hand in the corruption cookie jar and had to...
  5. mdr

    All Obama supporters should watch this:

    I've said it before, I'll say it again. Everyone in America is now a socialist by definition. George Bush nationalized the banking industry. Get over it. Paulson wants to add the insurance industry. Get over it. "Socialist" isn't a bad word anymore. Get over it. Even my son - who's never...
  6. mdr

    All Obama supporters should watch this:

    You might want to move to Oregon. The whole state apparently does mail-in voting. O.B.A.M.A. :cheer: O.B.A.M.A.
  7. mdr

    who would you vote for and why?

    Well, I guess things aren't that much different here in the colonies. Though we have no national VAT, we pay all those extra taxes you mentioned as well, though maybe somewhat different rates of course. And ours are also deducted "at the source" - unless you own your own business. I'll leave...
  8. mdr

    MY LOUD Two Bros. exhaust

    Well, maybe it's just me, but I would have liked a LOUD!! exhaust the other day. A cager who was right beside me pulled to the left into my lane and nearly ran over me. He went back into his lane when he saw me and apologized for his mistake but it was a real adrenaline pumper for a minute or...
  9. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    I think you're mistaken. While buying my last car my insurance company asked me if I wanted to take out a car loan with them. This is possible because of the deregulation that happened when Senator Phil Gramm sponsored and passed a bill ( Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act - Wikipedia, the free...
  10. mdr

    What effect will the credit crunch have on you guys?

    Credit crunch? What credit crunch? (Retired on fixed income) What hurts me is inflation. Seeing gas under $3.00 again and diesel nearing $4.00 may mean prices on groceries and stuff will be leveling out - at least for a while. That's good news for me.
  11. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    I find it hard to comprehend that Obama is being called the socialist when it is George Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson that are driving the country headlong towards socialism by the government investing directly in banks. As US Citizens we are going to own shares in hundreds if not...
  12. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    A little civics reminder is perhaps in order - CONTROL in the senate requires a majority of 60 votes. That's what it takes to override a filibuster. DOMINANCE in the Senate requires a majority of 66 votes, because that's what it takes to override a presidential veto. Since 2006 the senate...
  13. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    A job killing machine? You mean Obama has a policy for killing more than the 750,000 jobs lost this year (so far) by the current administration? Can anyone actually kill more jobs than the Bush economic policy that McCain is planning to continue?
  14. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    Typical Republican comment. I know the story - or at least as much of the story as has made it into the news. I would not have used the office of governor to achieve a personal gain by settling a vendetta. It's illegal. Period.
  15. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    Palin is campaigning in West Virginia. WTF!!! West Virginia??? What's happening to the Republican party if they have to fight for West By God Virginia!
  16. mdr

    Who would you Vote for?

    Alaska Legislature reports Palin GUILTY OF ABUSE OF POWER. Just the right person to take over Dick Cheney's job!!! Way to go John!
  17. mdr

    Sept 19th

    :hijack: Not really... Take a look at the executive powers the Repubs are proposing for the Treasury Secretary. I tell you PIRACY is alive and well and living in the West Wing. The Federal Debt ceiling goes up by $700,000,000,000. Who do you think is going to pay that? Subsection (b) of...
  18. mdr

    Sept 19th

    Maybe not the election, but you might have slept through civics class. Take a look at the bill Phil Gramm introduced (it passed in 1999). It did away with regulations put in place during the 1930's to prevent another depression. 10 years later and we're staring one in the face. Only thing...
  19. mdr

    what to do? Life Situation

    Move back to the uncles apartment and find a roommate that you can tolerate, of whichever gender it takes to remove some of the stress you seem to be feeling now. That way if things get awkward you can always kick him/her out and look for a new roommate without having to worry about moving your...
  20. mdr

    Sept 19th

    And speaking of PIRATES... It's also going to go down as the day America officially became a socialist country. I'd like to say hello to the 300,000,000 fellow owners of AIG and who knows what else very soon... welcome to the future. And thank you John McCain and your chief economic advisor...