Who would you Vote for?

Who would you Vote for if the elections were held today?

  • Barak Obama

    Votes: 50 48.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 49 47.1%
  • Undecided.

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
At least this way, you can have the right to b*tch about it afterward. No vote, no b*tching! :spank:

Vote for who you think will do the least damage to you and the country.

I've never agreed with the sentiment no vote no complaining. Thats like saying if you didn't experience the war you can't complain about Hitler. When someone finally gets around to earning my vote then I will cast it until that time I am making my statement with my apathy. If I had been able to vote at the time I would have voted for Perot but since them no canidate has been worth the effort to get off my couch for.

Choosing the less of two evils just isn't good enough for me.
i love how everyone blames repubs. its been a demo controlled house and senate for too long to blame anyone else. if obama gets elected the demos can pass nearly any bill they want. you say demos are gonna help the economy by raising taxes? gun control? and whats up with allowing newborn babys to sit on a table until they die? sorry but i can't vote for that. its called morals, maybe you should try it. if i could i'd vote libertarian, becasue every politicians says hes gonna do this and that to help the people, then bam. somebody contributes financially and we're back to square one. like hillary clinton, saying she's gonna lower gas prices, then shell "donated" 25 million dollars and that's the last we heard of lowerd gas. mcain is the lesser of two evils i'm sorry to say. does it really matter? people complain about gas and they still live the same way, drive the same way and buy the same gas suckin cars. i just don't get it. good luck keeping it to one sentence. i tried.
Cuba, you didn't provide the requested sources. I would like to see the legislation that forces banks to lend to those with risky credit.

I never referenced this legislation, nor will I research it for those that get their information from Comedy Central. Read the article I spoke on, understand the issues I am referring to, THEN ask questions :thumbup:
I reference a New York Post article, and you reference the Daily Show?!? Really? That's where you get your news? And you provide statements without any back up whatsoever other than you heard it on the Daily Show? Seriously?

I saw that one coming!

But you ignore the fact of the Clip I referenced! W was all for it (the Sub-prime Lending), he wasn't out their warning against it. The Daily Show was just where I saw the clip. But why quibble about facts.

This crisis was spawned by the Bush Administration to pull their bacon out of the fire and create a boom in the housing industry by Greenspan dropping Fed Funds and Discount Rate to almost zero, combined with push for total deregulation of the financial markets, and bring the Country out the economic recession of Bush's fiasco's with Enron (deregulating electricity) and the War (deregulating his adminstration from the Constitution)! Not to mention Cheney's still secret "Energy Task Force". (I love gas at $3.50)

The Daily show, which you probably don't watch because the Republicans give them plenty of material, does a good job of popping the spin balloons politicians and talking heads spew and show it for the BS it is.:liar: And at least you have a laugh seeing it. And they are equal opportunity skewers, its just that the Right Wingnuts make better material! :Im With Stupid:I guess you can say they do somethings well.

Oh, and please don't denegrate the Daily Show:innocent: as a source of News, if your sources are Faux News:Im With Stupid::rant: or the New York Post!:tard: or Hannity or O'Rielly or Limbaugh, or Drugg or....:rockon:

Oh, I'm still waiting for your researched link to the "smoking gun" wording in the actual legislation forcing banks to lend to Vagrents? And while your at it, tell me why W didn't do anything about it if he warned us 17 times? Was he too powerless against those bully LIBERAL SOCIALISTS?
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I've never agreed with the sentiment no vote no complaining. Thats like saying if you didn't experience the war you can't complain about Hitler. When someone finally gets around to earning my vote then I will cast it until that time I am making my statement with my apathy. If I had been able to vote at the time I would have voted for Perot but since them no canidate has been worth the effort to get off my couch for.

Choosing the less of two evils just isn't good enough for me.

Interesting take... since you want to use metaphors here.... "So, you want to win the lottery but you're not willing to buy a ticket?" This means you've lost before you started. :eek:

If you really want to make a statement, VOTE! At least go write-in a name, even Perot if you want... Just sitting there is a statement only to yourself. We've got soldiers dying daily to protect your right to vote. Please use that right even if you don't choose one of the two front-runners. :thumbup:

Good luck with that. :rolleyes:
Interesting take... since you want to use metaphors here.... \"So, you want to win the lottery but you're not willing to buy a ticket?\" This means you've lost before you started. :eek:

If you really want to make a statement, VOTE! At least go write-in a name, even Perot if you want... Just sitting there is a statement only to yourself. We've got soldiers dying daily to protect your right to vote. Please use that right even if you don't choose one of the two front-runners. :thumbup:

Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

And I would argue those same soldiers are also protecting my right not to vote. I'm not going to endorse a canidate I don't want in office by voting for them simply because I don't want someone else even more.

I've defended my position on this many times and I always get the same response that by somehow not voting makes me a bad person or doesn't give me a right to complain. Yes people have died to defend this democracy but I can't in god concious support someone I don't believe in simply because they might not be as bad. I want my vote to mean something.
29 votes to 29 votes... a dead heat...

I voted for Obama because of the economy. Our economy was the strongest under Clinton and 8 years of a republican in the house and we are in the toilet...
I want my vote to mean something.

That I can understand. So by not voting you don't mean anything. :confused:

Sorry, I have roots in a country that lived under a dictatorship. My brother gave his life to give our country the ability to choose our leaders. Yeah, the 2 party system sucks. But it's still a choice. Make it.
just looking at it from a money side:

2000: end of Clinton, your annual budget has a 150 billion dollar surplus (no deficit) and you're starting to pay down your 5 billion dollar debt

2008: end of Bush, your annual budget deficit is sitting at 500 billion and you're not paying down any of your debt which now sits at over 10 trillion dollars. Oh and you just offered up another trillion bucks for a bailout of a deregulated banking sector.

vote for whomever is going to look after the books properly. And if you haven't watched the YouTube video at the beginning of this thread, you might want to now...
To put it as simply as possible: If you don't like an administration (be it local, state, or federal) then you vote that party out.

Bush's approval rating is the lowest in history, and McCain as a history of backing Bush on a large majority of his votes. Why would you want nearly identical administration in power after the current administration has such low approval rating?

I'm from Arizona, and though I haven't been interested in politics to really nitpick McCain, a LOT of Arizonans are tired of him.
Hmmmm......who would I vote for? Let me get the eight ball....shaking....says, "Outlook not so good."
Palin is campaigning in West Virginia. WTF!!! West Virginia??? What's happening to the Republican party if they have to fight for West By God Virginia!
For the McCain supporters, I would like to know how they square Palins husbands membership in the Alaska secessionist movement the Alaska Independence Party?
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Alaska Legislature reports Palin GUILTY OF ABUSE OF POWER. Just the right person to take over Dick Cheney's job!!! Way to go John!

this is a typical attack, research the whole story and see if you would've done the same.:thumbup:
this is a typical attack, research the whole story and see if you would've done the same.:thumbup:

Typical Republican comment. I know the story - or at least as much of the story as has made it into the news. I would not have used the office of governor to achieve a personal gain by settling a vendetta. It's illegal. Period.
I'm voting for McCain - If you really study Obama's economic plan you will learn that it is a job killing machine. Since the economy is the talk of the day, I don't understand why Obama is still leading in most of the polls. O wait, yes I do, it is a mis-informed public by the drive-by liberal media.

A job killing machine? You mean Obama has a policy for killing more than the 750,000 jobs lost this year (so far) by the current administration? Can anyone actually kill more jobs than the Bush economic policy that McCain is planning to continue?

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