
  1. Zealot

    Today I Learned...

    My bike actually has a 6th gear. I've been riding for a couple of weeks now mistakenly thinking it somehow jumped through 5 and 6 after failing to shift into 6 a few times. I figured it out - and well, I've got a sixth gear just like they told me! (Couple of rides into Toronto and back in fifth...
  2. Yammi Dodger

    This is so funny!

    Don't think they will be doing this in a hurry. Two Geniuses - YouTube
  3. manas12

    There, I fixed it.

    For all non-believers, duct tape does indeed fix most of the things. There, I Fixed It.
  4. Avalon786

    Funny stick figure Cartoon

    These ones really cracked me up :D
  5. Avalon786

    Get Smart

    So saw this one the other day. It was not too bad. I didnt find it great nor was it bad! I did have a few good laughs thanks to Steve Carell, which the whole movie pretty much revolves around. If you like any of his work, you will def like this movie! He is very good. Anne Hathaway did a very...
  6. Avalon786

    The Love Guru

    Mike Myers is at it again! I dont know why it got such bad reviews :confused:. I found that the movie delivered on its promise. It is abit wacky and fun (much like the Austin Powers movies) some of it feels like it was even improvised which makes for some "laugh out loud" moments. Its been a...
  7. Avalon786

    Crazy pic

    Was pretty amazed with this pic, i cant imagine how i'd feel if that happened to me :scared:
  8. Avalon786

    Not only Blondes...

    Yello, I guess this goes to show that everyone can have a blond moment...:p
  9. Funny cat pictures

    Funny cat pictures
