32 degrees and the Pyrenees (Victoria)

Rumpole of the Bailey

Junior Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Just another 4 days of touring before the weekend rain (Bosses Rain) as it rains every weekend now. Did the Pyrenees and ended up at Lake Learmonth behind the Police station. Been dry for over 15 years!
There is the largest windfarm in the Southern Hemisphere near here, about 120 turbines.
Nice touring in this area, plenty of twisties and many backroads. Nice to be in leathers and sunscreen again. Had a magic counter meal at the Morong Hotel near Bendigo.
Average speed was 120 kph. midweek, backroads and no coppers!!!
Well, I guess this is SUMMER DOWN UNDER aye?


Looks fantastic and I'm very jealous. It's been below freezing here a couple of nights and there's been snow in the North. And it's windy and raining alot of the time.

I bet you feel even better now. ;)
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yeah feeling good and tired matey. We had a long, cold and wet winter down here and a drought of some years is still breaking.
What a great bike the 600 is. I rode on freeways, back roads, twisting mountains and plain ordinary country highways. Passed plenty in cars that just looked so jealous of an old bloke like me kicking up his heels. Giving it a good squirt as I hooked in to pass them.
Love that sound of the undertail exhaust when she gets cookin'. Love the handling, the 19 litre fuel tank and the good looks and finish of this Yamaha. Yeah, she has race bred technology in that engine!!

An FZ8 or FZ1?

What for.........