33BHP restriction, FZ6

My brother hit a patch of oil/fuel in the wet on the day of his test (did 2 days of training with an instructor at 19 - Direct Access?), and still passed, whilst the guy he was training with (local council was paying for his training/test - traffic warden:spank:) could care less and failed. Took him to A&E after his test, as he had a huge bruise on the back of his thigh and was getting some back pain. Just hit/bruised a nerve.
When I was out on the road riding portion of my CBT, I got rear-ended at some traffic lights. Great fun. Idiot was looking at the lights and ignoring the motorcycle in front of him.
The motorcycle test here (at least in Colorado) is a joke. I did mine in the playground of a primary school.
My brother went out and bought a Honda CB-1 (400cc grey bike). Supposedly had about 45 bhp. Insurance never asked for the proof of restriction, so he never bothered with it. Got a few speeding tickets. One time he was doing 110mph on the motorway and overtook a Porsche, then saw Police lights behind, but didn't stop right away. Eventually he stopped and when the Police caught up, he said "Thanks for stopping. If you hadn't stopped, I wasn't going to catch up." He then handed him 3 points on his license and a fine, but nothing more. Supposedly he said he should have taken him to court, but couldn't be bothered.
Another time he was going to work doing about 80 in a 40 (used to be a 50) and passed a Police car, they proceded to follow him all the way to work and then pulled him over outside his work and the cop got out and just shouted at him, giving him a telling off, no ticket because he didn't want to do the paperwork.

Anyway, the restricted license is a good idea, aslong as the restriction in enforced, might have saved my brother some cash on speeding tickets.

I basicaly went from a 125 to the FZ6 with 4 or 5 years between the two, and the weight difference aswell as the power was very noticeable, so be careful.
HA! our test here in good old hammond louisiana is cake. i passed my written portion, hopped on the bike (couldn't talk the pretty tester into getting on with me lol), and drove around the parking lot for a 47 seconds "driving test". what a joke! i was told to "take it around the parking lot and as long as you dont fall off you pass." i almost laughed and asked "well i drove it the 15 miles here shouldnt that count?" so easy.

and i dont believe in the restrictions. i raced bikes as i was growing up. when i was 5 or so i had a small elsinor 50 that had the screw things on the throttle that resticted the throttle twist. first thing i did was take that screw out and throw it in the woods! hell im still alive. i personally think that riding a bike helps your car driving skill. i can tell you one thing i know how to look ahead on a road and i have some really fast reflexes that have saved me and my cop car several times!
I went from my 2 feet to the FZ. I rode local residential streets for 2 weeks to get the feel of the bike before taking the MSF course. After that, I rode some of the larger main streets to get the feeling for riding in traffic. Finally, I got up the courage to get on the main highways (dangerous enough in cars here in Dallas/Ft Worth) after riding for about a month. The first time feeling the bow wave of an 18 wheeler nearly blowing me off the road is something I'll never forget.

The riding test from what I've heard is as difficult as the written test is easy in that the following officer looks for ANYTHING to disqualify you. You put your right foot down first at a light, that's a point. Don't look both ways pulling away from a green light at an intersection, that's a point. So on and so forth. Most people here in Texas take the BRC to get the riding portion exemption since it's good instruction and you get an insurance discount for it.

I do think the restricted HP bikes for beginners in a good idea, but it's just as easy to restrict engine size as it is to regulate a full power bike to a lower rating for beginners.
I guess that's a pretty good law. I wish they had something like that here in the states, it might prevent some pointless accidents. Do they offer any type of courses so you can get the restriction lifted before 21? I think that would be fair, not everyone under 21 is an idiot..:shakehead:

No. but the human mind condone risky behavior until around the age 25, at which point one starts becoming more capable of understanding and accepting the full risk of an action.
No. but the human mind condone risky behavior until around the age 25, at which point one starts becoming more capable of understanding and accepting the full risk of an action.

now that is true! i was 100% invincable until about 28. then i realized it takes just so much longer to heal now lol.
I got a FZ6 2 months ago, passed my test 2 weeks ago, it's an A2 restricted test, meaning I'm restricted to 33BHP. The dealer restricted the bike for me for free, today I removed the restriction, just to see what it was like.. All I can say is 'OMFG'. The power is insane, no-wonder under 21's have to be restricted here. The power that is available would be absoluteley deadly to rider that's just passed there test.

I thought the bike was quick restricted, but un-restricted, you just have to hold on for dear life. And the noise it makes when you hit 8k RPM is almost orgasmic. :D

The restriction that is on my bike is different to the ones I've seen on here, but it's the same in principle - throttle restriction. On my one, theres a larger roller that the throttle cable attaches too, but the existing roller is still there, the new one screws over the existing one. This is so that the bike actually has more then 1cm of throttle and the bike isn't as snatchy and the power feels smooth. As well as the roller it also has a small metal plate stopping the roller from opening all the way, which is the bit I removed. It's sooo easy it's silly, I simply undid the nut with my hand and the plate slips off. Was a little fiddly trying to get my fingers in but not that hard. Since I had a 'little blast', I've replaced the stop, I've been riding bikes for 3 years (allbeit 125's), and I aint ready for how much power is available yet, cos I know I'm not sensible enough to have that much and not use it. :thumbup:

Dude mine is like 100% identical, but i only left it on for 6 months, now i am riding fully powered at 18 :thumbup: its all about being responsible, but its also about fun at 4am :D
Sensible attitude you have. Did you have any problems getting it insured? I know there are some insurers who wont touch restricted bikes and class them as full power.

I'm from Poland and we do not have any power restriction here (although I wish we had). I recently bought my FZ6 and since its my first bike I would very much like to restrict it.

If somebody took the restriction off - can You sell me the parts needed to restrict it on my bike? My local yamaha dealer doesnt have such parts.

I bought an FZ6 S2 2008.


I'm from Poland and we do not have any power restriction here (although I wish we had). I recently bought my FZ6 and since its my first bike I would very much like to restrict it.

If somebody took the restriction off - can You sell me the parts needed to restrict it on my bike? My local yamaha dealer doesnt have such parts.

I bought an FZ6 S2 2008.


I see why you want to do that but the best restrictor is your right wrist and best of all it's free. :thumbup:
now that is true! i was 100% invincable until about 28. then i realized it takes just so much longer to heal now lol.

Agreed, I find myself reminding myself of this all the time. When I'm riding I think "Well if I did this what's the worse that could happen.. I'm in control, nobody else, I know my limits..", then as soon as I'm off the bike it's "what if.. would I have been able to do that if this happened...", etc.

Insurance wasn't a problem to get really, though it was quite expensive, they wanted 1.5k GBP for fully comp (cheapest I could find, some wanted over 6 grand lmao), that's with 2 years NCB and 3 points for driving otherwise in accordance with a license, (giving a mate a lift home at 3 in the morning...:().

Also, some say the restrictions are dangerous, especially throttle restrictions - I disagree. If you haven't ridden the bike unrestricted you know what it can do and what it can't, it's like riding a 600cc, then moving to a 125cc, you know it hasn't got the power the 600 had, so you make your choices around the power available to you. If you're putting yourself in a situation that you need more power then you have to get out of it you're silly, because you should know that you couldn't complete the task you entered because you haven't got enough power.
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I see why you want to do that but the best restrictor is your right wrist and best of all it's free. :thumbup:

I think I'm a reasonable person.. but.. so would say 90% of the people about themselves. The physical restriction would stop from experimenting or (God forbid) forgetting myself on the road. Also I want to get the restriction off not before the middle of the next season.

If nobody has the parts needed can You pls tell me how to contact a UK dealer so I can ask them to ship it to me?
hi i have just bought a fz600 for my first bike and need a 33bhp restrictor for it, if any has one lying about or has just come to the end of their restriction period could you please email me , liam_mc678 at hotmail dot co.uk cheers :)
16 years old. it may differ in other states.:D

Are you saying that there are no restrictions if you are a young driver with a 1000cc motorbike?? Sorry, but I don't believe it!
And what about the insurances?
If you are 16 and you have a yamaha R1 how much are you gonna pay for a 6 month insurance???

Here in Greece we have our first licence (A2) at the age of 18 and after 2 years we have the A1 without having any other test.
The insurance is common regardless the age of the driver.
Every driver begins to pay an amount of money to insure the vehicle and if he doesn't have accidents gets a kind of a discount.
So, if I was 18 and new driver and you where 35 and new driver we would have to pay exactly the same amount of money for an insurance.
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I am not 100% on this, but I believe FL is 18years old, then you get a license plate that says your under 21. because there is a curfew law if your'e under the age of 21, the LEO's know to pull you over after midnight if they see that tag. :spank:

EDIT: by the way, the tag is just for a Bike, not a cager
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No, they don't. But if you take your test at 17, after the 2 year period you'll be unrestricted at 19. If you take the test at 20, you still need to wait 2 years, but once you're 21 you can take the test again and be unrestricted.

Not everyone under 21 is an idiot, no, but how do you know wether someone IS going to be an idiot, and somebody who ISN'T going to be an idiot. A course is not going to stop them being idiots, they'll just be idiots after the course. Our test over here is allready extremely extensive in order to stop motorcycle deaths. The goverment deem people over 21 mature enough to be sensible with all the power, allthough that isn't strictly true, it helps.

I agree, our road test is far too easy, look at all the idiots (2 wheeled and 4) that we get on the road endangering peoples lives...but your right, not everyone is an idiot. 99.9% of the people here (on the best forum around) seem to have a good head on their shoulders about riding and being safe while having fun. :thumbup:

Are all bikes restricted to 33 bhp or does it depend on the bike?
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the restriction thing is a european directive i think, though different countries generally have different interpretations.

they want to change it again, so that you have 3 different classes of licence, and so that everybody has to wait 2 years before they can jump on something over 47bhp, and you have to take several different tests.

in france there's also a max power limit of 100bhp for any bike :(
We have the same law in here in Sweden, bikes are restricted to a maximum of 33 hp if you are under 21.

However after 2 years the restriction ends and you don't have to take another test to be allowed infinite hp. We have no restrictions on hp here.

Our mc education that you have to go through according to the law to be able to legally drive your motorcycle is insanely expensive and comprehensive almost to the point that it scares people away from driving mc. I guess that is the point of it, to save people from getting killed or handicapped. Our healthcare is free for all, and taxpayers dont like to pay for idiots on bikes.
Are you saying that there are no restrictions if you are a young driver with a 1000cc motorbike?? Sorry, but I don't believe it!
It's true, in Montana where I live a 16yo could go out and buy a turbo'd Busa for their first bike if they so desired. (provided they could get that past mom and popps)
And what about the insurances?
If you are 16 and you have a yamaha R1 how much are you gonna pay for a 6 month insurance???
Also in Montana Ins is not a requirement for a motorcycle. It's pretty stupid actually you're suppose to have an MC endorsement but no Ins for a bike, yet you can license and drive an ATV (4wheeler) on the street and have to have Ins but no MC endorsement.
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