Another one bites the dust........


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Apr 17, 2008
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Hey peoples. Im fairly new to this site but I have had contact with a few of you....for parts. Picked up my bike (06 Rocket Red) April 10. Insured it on the 20th.
21st...Dumptruck turns into a lot from the fast lane right in front of me as I was trying to blow by him. About 40kms on the bike total. This is the first time Ive really wrote about it as Im still sick as **** over it. Makes me wanna puke everytime I think about it still. Anyways bike goes under the truck as I lowside from slamming on the rear brake. ROOKIE!!!!!!!!! My ass had some road rash as I was only wearing jeans. Had a Jacket with armour in the elbows so It took the impact when I hit the ground.

The sub-frame on my bike took most of the impact. It got crushed on one side. Both side pods, Grabhandle, Front fairing, RH mirror, Scratched frame on both sides(had frame sliders but one bent and broke off), scratched engine covers both side. Real mess.

I have my learners which required that I ride with another motorcyclist with a VALID class 6 license. I emphasize VALID because the person I was riding with that day didnt. My insurance company is using that to deny my claim.
Its not official but I got that indication it was headed that way during my last conversation with my adjuster. Anyways thanks to Serraph for the front fairing, and to davidsa1 for the grabhandle. MUCH appreciated.

Just waiting for the subframe and I'll be back rollin. Completed my Safety course on friday and I have my road test scheduled in 2 1/2 weeks. Hope I can get my bike rollin' before then to get some practice in. I use the schools bike(07 Yamaha dual-sport 225) for the test and I can rent it for $45 an hour but obviously I'd rather use MY bike.

I'll post some pics of the bike tommorrow. Heres some of the subframe and frameslider if I can figure out how to do it.

In the short time Ive been an FZ6 rider I have to say it was AWESOME!! Cant wait to get back in the saddle.





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I dont know for sure, but I dont think insurers are allowed to deny claims based on lic status.

You may have to get a lawyer but that as far as I know is not a valid reason. They cant sell you insurance and then not provide coverage.

Sorry about your bike man. Glad your relitively ok.
My insurance company has quite the rep in where I live. They have a monopoly on insurance here. You HAVE to buy basic insurance from these guys. No competion. They deny claims off the smallest technicality. Not sure if my gaffe was small but I sort of shoulder the blame on this because I was riding with someone I didnt know all that well. He lives in my neighborhood, and when he saw I bought a bike he asked me if I wanted to go out for a rip that morning. Peice of **** told me he had a valid license. Who can you trust? I dont have access to a police computer to check the validity of his license.

Ive said these things to my insurance company but my adjuster didnt seem to care. Hope it turns out in my favour but Im not holding my breath. If It goes my way I'll have parts to sell, and if it doesnt Ill get my bike on the road that much sooner. If I wait for my insurance company to deny, I will appeal but that will take months. I want to ride this summer. Like I said before, cant wait to get on the road again!!:rockon:
I feel for ya that sucks. Shouldnt the other drivers insurance pay for it? Dump truck was at fault right? Who got charged?

My buddy clipped my back wheel with his front going around a bend, he was been a smartass and tried to pass me. We both went down. He got the blame. My bike was a write off. His was not. He was driving a night with a Motorcycle Learners. ICBC gave him a couple of days time to get his class 6 otherwise they were going to go after him for my damages. Mind you this was in 1985, things have changed. I still would speak with a Lawyer, get a free consultation.

Ask ICBC for a chance to pass your road test. Look at this story they gave the guy a a 10-day grace period to pass his B.C. driver's test. Print Story: B.C.-owned insurer sells policies to drivers without valid provincial licence on Yahoo! Canada News

I think you have a good case, you did have a license , and were tricked by the person you were riding with. Dont let ICBC off the hook on this.

Why are claims denied by ICBC?

By law, ICBC has the right to deny a claim in certain situations. These include:

* A customer lied about or misrepresented a claim - or committed fraud.
* The true principal operator [click for definition] was not properly named when the policy was first purchased.
* A customer's vehicle was insured in the wrong rate class [click for definition] or the wrong territory.

The rate class partly determines how much you pay in insurance premiums. For example, rates are lower if you only drive for pleasure and higher if you drive to and from work every day.

Insurance premiums vary by territory throughout the province, depending on risk factors.

You are responsible for declaring the proper rate class and territory for your vehicle when you buy ICBC insurance. If you do not, and you are in a crash, your claim could be denied or you may be required to pay a penalty.
* An accident was the result of an attempt to avoid police arrest.
* A person was driving a vehicle without a valid driver's licence or while their licence was suspended.
* Death, injury, loss or damage was deliberately caused by the use of the motor vehicle.
* At the time of an accident the vehicle was being used for illegal trade or transportation, or in a speed test or race.
* A person driving a vehicle in a crash is convicted of a serious offence related to the crash or the use of the vehicle.

If you still feel that your claim was denied unfairly, you can appeal many ICBC
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That really blows! I'd fight it to the bitter end, and every day you don't get your win, punch that other rider in the face!