Any Ubuntu users out there?


Gamer/Bike Enthusiast
Jul 12, 2008
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Russellville, AR
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I just got through building my new PC.

Intel Quad Core 2.33 GHz
Nvidia 9800GT
4 GB of RAM

I tried running the Windows 7 RC off of a DVD, but I couldn't get it to boot from the DVD. So, I decided to try out Ubuntu. It seems really great and I only have one problem. I can't get any widescreen resolutions. I get 1024x768 and 1336x768, but my TV is picky and only likes 1280x768 or 1280x720. I can get it to display on my smaller TV, a 26 inch LCD, but I want it to work as my media center pc. How can I get my widescreen resolutions to work?

I have used the Add/Remove Programs option to install Ubuntu's latest nvidia drivers, but I'm not sure how to install the newest drivers from Nvidia's website manually.
I have not used Ubuntu. I have built 1 Media PC and am currently building my 2nd, both are using Nvidia drivers.

In the past when I have updated my drivers from Nvidia, as soon as the download was completed the installation wizard would start automatically and do the rest.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck.
I just got through building my new PC.

Intel Quad Core 2.33 GHz
Nvidia 9800GT
4 GB of RAM

I tried running the Windows 7 RC off of a DVD, but I couldn't get it to boot from the DVD. So, I decided to try out Ubuntu. It seems really great and I only have one problem. I can't get any widescreen resolutions. I get 1024x768 and 1336x768, but my TV is picky and only likes 1280x768 or 1280x720. I can get it to display on my smaller TV, a 26 inch LCD, but I want it to work as my media center pc. How can I get my widescreen resolutions to work?

I have used the Add/Remove Programs option to install Ubuntu's latest nvidia drivers, but I'm not sure how to install the newest drivers from Nvidia's website manually.

Go to and download the latest version of the driver to your desktop.
To install the driver, you’ll need to quit the graphical display:
Log out.
Ctrl+Alt+F1 will get you to a terminal session. Log in.
sudo killall gdm will kill the graphical display.
Now, go to the directory where you downloaded the driver (you’ll probably need to do cd Desktop)
Now, execute the installer and follow the prompts:
sudo sh (if your downloaded filename is different, edit as necessary)
When asked, make sure that you tell the installer to write the new configuration to your xorg.conf file.
When the installer finishes, reboot your box:
sudo reboot
Enjoy your new Nvidia driver! Your next stop should be System>Preferences>Appearance>Visual Effects to turn on the eye candy!
Thanks for the help A.Thomas. I sorta got the new driver working, however, even part of the console is off the screen because of the resolution it runs. I have a widescreen 26" lcd that the driver just doesn't like. I've pretty much decided to go back to windows on this computer because I still have to configure an external hard drive with file sharing for windows, an analog tv tuner, a digital tv tuner, and get the widescreen resolution to work on my big tv.
Missed this post when it first went up...I'm running Ubuntu Jaunty on an old Dell B120 laptop and Optiplex desktop. This OS rocks and is easy and friendly enough for any joe sixpack to run, not just techno geeks. Love it. I will admit though, I only run Linux on my "frankenstein machines", my primary computer is a Macbook with another desktop running Windows 7 RC for gaming, etc. Windows 7 BTW kicks ass and is light years ahead of Vista.
I had Ubuntu on 2 of my computers, and I loved the way it worked with everything, was simple to use, had a good program suite; it's a very good operating system for basic computers.

My problem is that I have widescreen everything, ie. 2 widescreen TVs that I use as monitors, and a widescreen laptop. It bugs me when I can't get the widescreen resolutions to work. I tried everything to get them to display correctly, but I just could not get it to work.

If I had a regular old computer or laptop that had a standard 4:3 monitor and that I used just for internet, youtube, and bittorrents, ubuntu would be awesome.. but in my current situation, with the hardware I currently have, it just doesn't fit my needs.
Try running the Live CD for PCLinuxOS 2009 and see if it will resolve the resolution issues. It is a great distro of Linux and currently what I am using on this laptop as I type. :D