Aria A Great Helmet, or overpriced?


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Feb 21, 2013
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Lincoln, Nebraska
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Friday 4-26-13, I went and bought almost all of my gear :thumbup: They didn't have crap in my size, of course, but I am used to that at this point in my life. They measured my head it is right between an XL and an XXL

Once I arrived I went straight to the helmets because that is what I want to protect the most and what I was willing to spend the most money on. Long story short, it turns out that of the 5 workers there 4 of them wore Aria, and they all had a multitude of reason why they chose Aria over everything else. I tried on at least a dozen helmets, my ears were turning red from all of the helmet changing, but I didn't care because I wanted the best damn fit.

All of the salespeople told me to avoid HJC if I can afford to, and they said go with Aria or Shoei or, now I can't remember the other brand.

I ended up ordering in an Aria Singnet in Flash Blue:

I made sure to get the fast blue color to match the faster blue color of my bike :BLAA:

I just want to know if this is an overpriced helmet, or if this is a great buy? I flirted with the sales chick and she gave me a 10% discount :Flip: The helmet retails for $750, so I paid (before tax) $675.

What are the thoughts out there. I had never heard of Aria before, but I am completely knew to the motorcycle world. I am not asking if they are the best helmet, I just want to make sure, for the price, they are a great helmet.

P.S. I don't have photos yet because I had to order all of my gear, but I got some photos from online to show my jacket and helmet. I got white leather because it is far more visible than black leather
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Dang, that helmet is nice! Is the interior the most comfortable thing you've ever worn?
Two years ago, I tried on an RX-Q, and it felt amazing. As for being overpriced,
that seems to be based on a persons' ability to afford the asking price of an item.
To me, all of this is overpriced, 'cause I"m broke. Owning a bike is similar to owning a boat.
They rape ya on everything. But to others with lots 'o cash, it isn't a problem at all.
Arai is a great product, and if you can afford it, you are well protected in the process.

-rambling done
Dang, that helmet is nice! Is the interior the most comfortable thing you've ever worn?
Two years ago, I tried on an RX-Q, and it felt amazing. As for being overpriced,
that seems to be based on a persons' ability to afford the asking price of an item.
To me, all of this is overpriced, 'cause I"m broke. Owning a bike is similar to owning a boat.
They rape ya on everything. But to others with lots 'o cash, it isn't a problem at all.
Arai is a great product, and if you can afford it, you are well protected in the process.

-rambling done

Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it! I would say that the helmet was definitely out of my price range because I was unable to pay for my pants and boots yet :( However, I have told myself since I ever considered owning a motorcycle that I would pay for the best helmet I could. They did mention I could buy a $4000 helmet I was like :eek:

I expected to spend:
$300 (helmet)
$300 (leather jacket)
$300 (leather pants)
$100 (leather gloves)
$150 (good boots)
$1150 Total

Well, with the helmet ($675), Leather Jacket ($342), and Gloves ($72) I ran out of money fast! I figured I won't be on the street for a couple more weeks, because my MSF course is May 3-5 and I want to clean up the nasty fairing kit on my bike now. So, I have some time to come up with the extra $$$ for the boots and leathers.

As for it being comfortable to wear, I don't know. They said the design of the Aria helps reduce head bobble about 55mph. I won't be going that fast for a few months, but I figured I may as well buy the nicest helmet I can afford now. In a few months, I don't know how I will be sitting financially, so it's better to pay for the good safety gear while you can :thumbup:
I vote a great helmet. Moto GP guys wear them.:BLAA:

I am feeling a lot more comfortable with my purchase right now because of the first two responses.

I was really concerned because I had never heard of the brand. But, when every motorcyclist around you is showing you their Aria helmet and then they bring a 260lb guy to stand on, sit on, and jump on their Aria test helmet and it doesn't break or crack, it kinda gives you the perspective that this helmet will save my skull if I am unfortunate enough to crash.
In my experience with buying motorcycle gear you get what you pay for. Arai is top of the line. Some less expensive helmets im sure will protect your head as much as an arai, but will have less airflow, be much less comfortable, and usually weight a bit more. All can make your rides much more pleasurable with the arai. Hopefully itll last longer, too.
Can the answer to both just be yes? Great helmet, stupid expensive IMO.

I got a Bell Star (also usually stupid expensive) for $300 a few weeks ago. It's freaking sweet. I can't stomach much more than that for something I can only 'use' once, and that some swear you need to replace if it ever touches the ground in any way. :rolleyes: I had an older Arai Quantum for my first helmet, it didn't do anything for me as far as airflow or other features. It was comfortable and lightish, but airflow sucked, the shield fogged at the suggestion of cool air, and the shield didn't stay anywhere but down on its own. Hopefully they fixed all of that since, they charge enough to fix it.
Arai are one of the oldest, most proven brands. They are a fantastic helmet. They are incredibly comfortable, have fantastic airflow, the lining wicks the sweat away in the heat. The whole lining is removeable and washable. The build quality is superb, they last 6 years of daily and track use and still look and feel new. They are noisy though, so you should wear earplugs. I've crashed twice at close to or over 200kmph and I'm still here. I love my Arais and wont wear anything else! I have a Vector 2 and a Corsair V. Totally worth the money.
The only helmet that seems to fit me is an Arai. Crashed big style in it last year, helicopter ride, knocked unconscious, etc, but I'm still alive. Replaced it with the same model (well the newer version)
I just want to know if this is an overpriced helmet, or if this is a great buy?

This is a question I'm hoping to find out in a week or so, too.
I bought a Scorpion EXO-1000 back in '07~'08, and Friday I tried on a few lids at a local dealership and ended up ordering one. I originally picked up the Shoei GT-Air, which has gotten a lot of positive buzz on the 'netz, but also tried on a Bell, and a Schuberth; all three have an integrated flip-down sun-visor which is now a must-have with me (Arai doesn't offer it).
Original EXO-1000: $400
New EXO-1100: $300 (with improved liner snaps, the -1000's weak point)
Bell: $400
Shoei: $600
Schuberth: $730 on the web, but $600 with a weekend discount (at a BMW dealer!!)

The Schuberth just felt right, and with the sale, I ordered it. I'm anxious too to see if its that much better than my Scorpion (3 of the 4 salesmen used Schuberths, and 2 of the 4 had owned the EXO-1000 previously).

I don't buy the guidance that a helmet has to be replaced every 2 years, or if you drop it; but, at 5~6 years old my Scorpion is getting pretty worn, it's time. I'll let you guys know what I think of Mr. Schuberth once I get it.
This is a question I'm hoping to find out in a week or so, too.
I bought a Scorpion EXO-1000 back in '07~'08, and Friday I tried on a few lids at a local dealership and ended up ordering one. I originally picked up the Shoei GT-Air, which has gotten a lot of positive buzz on the 'netz, but also tried on a Bell, and a Schuberth; all three have an integrated flip-down sun-visor which is now a must-have with me (Arai doesn't offer it).
Original EXO-1000: $400
New EXO-1100: $300 (with improved liner snaps, the -1000's weak point)
Bell: $400
Shoei: $600
Schuberth: $730 on the web, but $600 with a weekend discount (at a BMW dealer!!)

The Schuberth just felt right, and with the sale, I ordered it. I'm anxious too to see if its that much better than my Scorpion (3 of the 4 salesmen used Schuberths, and 2 of the 4 had owned the EXO-1000 previously).

I don't buy the guidance that a helmet has to be replaced every 2 years, or if you drop it; but, at 5~6 years old my Scorpion is getting pretty worn, it's time. I'll let you guys know what I think of Mr. Schuberth once I get it.

which model of Schuberth?
Arai are one of the oldest, most proven brands. They are a fantastic helmet. They are incredibly comfortable, have fantastic airflow, the lining wicks the sweat away in the heat. The whole lining is removeable and washable. The build quality is superb, they last 6 years of daily and track use and still look and feel new. They are noisy though, so you should wear earplugs. I've crashed twice at close to or over 200kmph and I'm still here. I love my Arais and wont wear anything else! I have a Vector 2 and a Corsair V. Totally worth the money.

Noisy!? I specifically told them I didn't want a helmet that allowed for it too be loud. I would prefer not to wear ear plugs when I am driving in traffic. I want to be able to hear my surroundings too.

I guess there a great pro/cons list than I thought. I am guess the noisier the helmet is, the better air flow there is. However, the quieter it is, the hotter my head will be.
No doubt you have a great helmet. If you can be sure to get riding pants that zip to your jacket. If (heaven forbid) you find yourself sliding on the pavement the jacket won't protect you as much if it slides up to your shoulders.

After a deer took me down last fall at 55mph and I slide for well over 100' on the asphalt, my zip together gear did it's job-no road rash :)

Always buy the best gear you can. I had over 2 grand in my gear and it saved my arse- cheapest money I ever spent!
No doubt you have a great helmet. If you can be sure to get riding pants that zip to your jacket. If (heaven forbid) you find yourself sliding on the pavement the jacket won't protect you as much if it slides up to your shoulders.

After a deer took me down last fall at 55mph and I slide for well over 100' on the asphalt, my zip together gear did it's job-no road rash :)

Always buy the best gear you can. I had over 2 grand in my gear and it saved my arse- cheapest money I ever spent!

Glad to hear you rocked the gear! Those are words of encouragement to me :thumbup:

I believe the jacket that I bought will connect to the pants. Now I can't remember. If not, I will tell her that I need something different.

The human body is one of the most incredible biological machines on the planet. You can bet your arse that I am going to protect it! :thumbup:
Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it! I would say that the helmet was definitely out of my price range because I was unable to pay for my pants and boots yet :( However, I have told myself since I ever considered owning a motorcycle that I would pay for the best helmet I could. They did mention I could buy a $4000 helmet I was like :eek:

I expected to spend:
$300 (helmet)
$300 (leather jacket)
$300 (leather pants)
$100 (leather gloves)
$150 (good boots)
$1150 Total

Well, with the helmet ($675), Leather Jacket ($342), and Gloves ($72) I ran out of money fast! I figured I won't be on the street for a couple more weeks, because my MSF course is May 3-5 and I want to clean up the nasty fairing kit on my bike now. So, I have some time to come up with the extra $$$ for the boots and leathers.

As for it being comfortable to wear, I don't know. They said the design of the Aria helps reduce head bobble about 55mph. I won't be going that fast for a few months, but I figured I may as well buy the nicest helmet I can afford now. In a few months, I don't know how I will be sitting financially, so it's better to pay for the good safety gear while you can :thumbup:

personally, i do think Arai's are the best out there if you are looking for a safe, comfortable, long lasting helmet for everyday use. My next lid is going to be a white RX-Q and im getting it this summer. AND IF IT FITS IT WONT BE NOISY. the corsair will be, because its a race helmet, and focuses on venting (better venting = more noise) but the signet is supposed to be a really quiet helmet. also you can get a neck curtain if you feel the need to bring the noise level down even more.

on another note, i wouldnt worry about prettying your bike up for a while, especially until after the MSF course if you plan on taking your bike to that. those low speed maneuvers can be really tricky, especially for a beginner (i believe you said the FZ is your 1st bike). Better to only do something once, right? unless you just want extra motivation to keep the shiny side up...
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i agree that arai are very noisy at high speeds but i wouldnt buy any other helmet they are very comfortable and feel and look great - make sure you get a pinlock visor and insert to avoid the vision getting fogged up from your breath when the screen is down
i have an arai corsair v and i think its the best helmet i've ever had/used in my life! you made a great choice!
I've been wearing an Arai "Signet Q" for the past year.

The quality of the helmut is top notch - very well made.
The fit is perfect for the shape of my head, and it flows alot of air which is great in hot weather.
I would recommend it.

The only downside is I find it pretty noisy compared to other helmuts I've had.
If it fits you, I don't think you can go wrong with Arai.

EDIT: Thats a sharp lookin helmut "Armyofdarkness"!

PS, When I first started to wear my Arai, the padding around the ears gave me a bit of a head ache. After a week or so the padding relaxed and became a perfect fit. I just wanted to add this, thanks.
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Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it! I would say that the helmet was definitely out of my price range because I was unable to pay for my pants and boots yet :( However, I have told myself since I ever considered owning a motorcycle that I would pay for the best helmet I could. They did mention I could buy a $4000 helmet I was like :eek:

I expected to spend:
$300 (helmet)
$300 (leather jacket)
$300 (leather pants)
$100 (leather gloves)
$150 (good boots)
$1150 Total

Well, with the helmet ($675), Leather Jacket ($342), and Gloves ($72) I ran out of money fast! I figured I won't be on the street for a couple more weeks, because my MSF course is May 3-5 and I want to clean up the nasty fairing kit on my bike now. So, I have some time to come up with the extra $$$ for the boots and leathers.

As for it being comfortable to wear, I don't know. They said the design of the Aria helps reduce head bobble about 55mph. I won't be going that fast for a few months, but I figured I may as well buy the nicest helmet I can afford now. In a few months, I don't know how I will be sitting financially, so it's better to pay for the good safety gear while you can :thumbup:
A great helmet: yes
Overpriced: depends

Most helmets from the reputable brands will protect you. The reason they get expensive is for the extra features not necessarily protection. I've heard great stuff about some of the lower priced brands in terms of protection like scorpion, bell and Icon. Even Sparx helmets get good reviews.
My helmet retails for $180 and got it on closeout (previous year's graphic so $80 off for the exact same helmet) and I trust that it'll protect me if I ever need it to.

The Arai is a great and comfortable helmet tho

Btw why stay away from HJC?