Attention London Bikers!!!


I prefer being on top
Jan 24, 2011
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London UK
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Just to give you guys a heads up on the fact there's a team operating in the neighbourhood stealing bikes. (it goes in waves)
How do I know this, you ask??
They took mine a few days ago.
Clearly they have been scanning the area for targets, noting each opportunity and arriving with a van.
Me and the Pillion got back to GF's from a brilliant all-day ride out at around 9.45 pm. We were knackered and I was about to stay over so I opted to lock up and have supper, planning to throw the cover on later.
Result, 1 1/2hrs later went outside to find just the mirror in the street.
My fault really as I'd not chained it to the ruddy planet for an anchor :rant: (had disc lock and chain on tho)
The primary reason for this lapse in standard security is the fact that the 'considerate' local electricity supply co.:Flip: has dug up the path around a flower bed that has a 2" box section railing around which is where I normally chain it.
Trouble is they've got half way through the job and bu**ered off leaving a pile of earth and fencing right round where I quite legally park.
So the upshot is that these hap-hazard to**ers have cost me as follows:
(Some of you will be all too familiar with what's coming)

Firstly, I've had to cancel the next 2 weeks holiday plans, second, the stress has triggered a mystery virus thats hit me with a fever, coughing blood and no sleep for the last 4 days plus a trip to the hospital for a check-up. Thirdly, even if the insurance do pay out, I got it at a real good price over winter so now the prices have soared and I can't afford to buy at the same age/condition. Fourth, I use it for commuting too and I work where it takes me which ups any journey time by x10 or more.
I could go on but I can see you've already lost the will to live :surrender:
I know **** happens but the timing stinks.:mad: I had done so much work on it too. Ain't it always the way?:banghead:

Y'know, they coulda taken my cage and I'd just shrug it off. They're welcome to it. But now it feels like my right arm is missing.
Thanks for the empathy Kazza
We do grow a little attached to them, don't we?

I'd be devestated if someone took mine.

Even if I ended up with another one, it wouldn't QUITE be the same :(
The insurance should pay you the market value, unless you specifically set a lower limit. I increased the value of mine as I noticed the prices had gone up (plus it didn't affect my premiums)
Agreed Kazza.
I spent so much time refining and fettling the bike to make it feel mine. Being a Londoner I don't believe in spending out on expensive mods as the maxim here is: Its not a question of if it gets stolen, its when. Even if it is chained to a post thieves have been known to use their van to bend it over and lift the bike off. If they want it, they'll have it.
Why pay all that cash for the benefit of some toolbox who will most likely throw in down some race track?
A bike inevitably becomes a personal friend and treated well, protector. I think most of us recognize that.

What is really sad is that for some days now I have looked out the window where she was parked hoping that its all been a tragic nightmare.:shakehead:
**** mate, Sorry to hear that. Bastards!
What area of London was it taken from?
Mines in the house at the moment, so its fairly safe.
sorry to hear that your bike got stolen :( it must be so frustrating. I hope you get enough money to buy a suitable replacement.
Dorag had his bike stolen in February as well, I hope they catch these guys.

Hello boys - I'm back!

Been a while as the insurance were being difficult resulting in me getting short tempered and taking their stupid offer and binning them in favour of Bennetts.

Anyway, the Gorgeous Pillion decided to go halves with a replacement. Bless.

First though we had to sort security and to that end we are in the process of buying a garage that happens to be right across the street. Plus the new bike - an 08 S2 Fazer in dark metalic blue with less than 9thou on it - has an alarm fitted.

Can't keep the girl off it now as its so much better than the 05 we had before. She gets right grumpy when the ride's over and has been booking all sorts of days out as an excuse to get on. Lovely.

So, its dead good to be hooning around once more.

We'll be keeping an eye out for ride-outs near London and often fetch up at the Ace for a cuppa.

See y'all!