Australia puts superfast broadband on line


Phantom Rider
Elite Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Edenvale, South Africa (GMT +2)
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Nice for those living down under!

The Australian Government has announced an ambitious A$43 billion (£20 billion) project to extend super-fast broadband across the country in a move that could reshape Australia's telecommunications landscape.

Announcing the plan for a state-controlled company to build the network from scratch, Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister, described it as the biggest infrastructure project in Australia since the building of Sydney Harbour Bridge.

It will deliver broadband speeds of 100 megabits per second to 90 per cent of Australian homes, schools and businesses within eight years through fibre-optic cables direct to buildings, he said. The remaining 10 per cent would get a wireless upgrade.

"Every person and business in Australia, no matter where they are located, will have access to affordable, fast broadband at their fingertips," Mr Rudd said.
Yeah, I saw that on the news last night. I had to laugh, even now (in this day and age) there's still suburbs in Adelaide that cant even get ADSL and have to rely on dial-up if they want internet :rof:

Will take em 20 years to roll it out! Lol! And we asre only 10 tears behind already! :eek:
Isn't the internet pretty weird out there currently? I know when I visited my uncle last year out there he was telling me about only getting a certain amount of internet per month or something? I didn't get it, lol
Isn't the internet pretty weird out there currently? I know when I visited my uncle last year out there he was telling me about only getting a certain amount of internet per month or something? I didn't get it, lol

Yeah, we pay for for our internet monthly, and each ISP gives us an "allowance".

I currently pay $60 a month for ADSL2+ and get 30Gig download allowance. Reasonably close to the exchange, so I sync at 19000Kbps, allows me to download files at 2MB/s from good sites, and that's about as good as it gets here.

Wow, I didnt know that.

Here in KY, I have 10mbs, unlimited for 30$ a month, if I want 20mbs its a extra 10$ a month.

Do you guys go over the limit alot?
Wow, I didnt know that.

Here in KY, I have 10mbs, unlimited for 30$ a month, if I want 20mbs its a extra 10$ a month.

Do you guys go over the limit alot?

not really...unless you are downloading whole movies...and if you do, all that happens when you reach your limit, download speeds drop to like 56k!
Wow, I didnt know that.

Here in KY, I have 10mbs, unlimited for 30$ a month, if I want 20mbs its a extra 10$ a month.

Do you guys go over the limit alot?

The first time I downloaded a Game (Crysis) I went over....The EA Games downloader stuffed up the download and I had to do it again next
In the end I bought the disc. Takes ages too, even though I had the top 'o' the line connection

Sad thing is they get rid of Telecom....then the first time it comes to upgrading in a big way they have to start up a new Gov't service, 'cause no one is interested or they want to gouge us:banghead::banghead:

Looking forward to the faster speeds