Bike Cleaning


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Mar 16, 2009
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What is the best way to clean the bike without scratching the bike, also what are some good products to use...
What is the best way to clean the bike without scratching the bike, also what are some good products to use...

If you search around some, there are already several good threads about how to clean and what products to use.

What works for me: I wash my bike like I wash my car. Spray it with a shower type nozzle (not too forceful), soap it up with a soft sponge, hose it off, and then dry it.

Our bikes have a lot of nooks and crannies (like the engine, wheels, behind the fairing, etc) that are hard to reach with a sponge. I go over those places with a wheel brush. It's a brush with very long bristles meant to clean mag wheels and it works great in all the places on our bikes that have hard to reach places. Those same hard to reach places are also hard to dry, so I dry what I can with a towel, then take it for a quick spin to blow the water out of the nooks and crannies.
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What is the best way to clean the bike without scratching the bike, also what are some good products to use...

I think I can help with this. However before reading further, you need an air compressor........................

I used a 50/50 mixture of kero and water. I first spray it on using a small air compressor (engine cool or cold). As I spray I have a clean paint brush and carefully work on the hard bits, on the windshield, rims, fairing, etc. DON'T spray the tyres. When satisfied I use the air compressor with air and water to clean it all off now including the tyres. Before it dries I use the air compressor to "blow dry" the bike (no steaks) and with a large very clean, no fluff rag gentle "polish" the tank. If you have a high gloss black one, ensure you polish the tank front to back and back to front, NOT circular. All finished: clean, cheap, quick, with mild anti-rust protection (the Kero).

.................... I use my brother's.
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Soak the bugs with a wet paper towel for 10 minutes first.Use car wash soap with lots of water never, household detergent.
To avoid scratches dip you wash cloth ofter to remove any dirt particles which could scratch the bike. Start at the top and work your way down . I also use a wheel brush for the wheels and hard to get to places.
I use a spray on detailer wax after each wash, bike still looks good.