Bloody Locusts!


Resident Lurker
May 15, 2008
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It's been fun in the Riverland and Mallee lately, with the area infested with a locust plague. Trucks have been pulling off the road from Mildura to clean windscreens, cars have been overheating, and nearly every vehicle has a lovely yellow/brown colour from locust guts!

The report on the news says the plague has gone as far as Melbourne, and will take another month to die down. There will be another problem later in spring when the locust eggs hatch...

Are there any locust problems or sightings in Adelaide? If you've had experience riding through them, how did you go? Are there any secrets to it? What's the best way of cleaning them off?
I've been avoiding the bad areas and sticking to town riding, and I just ordered a new helmet, so I'm not keen on getting covered in these filthy little buggars!

We had a big plauge in Perth a few years ago. Nasty.

RadGuard is the first thing I'd get - locusts did a lot of damage to the radiator finns on the Daytona when we had it.

CT18 is the best thing thing for washing it off your bike.

Horrible things!
We had a big plauge in Perth a few years ago. Nasty.

RadGuard is the first thing I'd get - locusts did a lot of damage to the radiator finns on the Daytona when we had it.

CT18 is the best thing thing for washing it off your bike.

Horrible things!

Haven't tried CT18, but have heard people rave about it. Our cars are just covered in the crap at the moment. The bike got through unscathed, but then I avoided the worst roads and high speeds. At high speeds they just seem to explode!
I saw that story on the news tonight.
I ride 50 k's through the hills each day and have seen no sign of the little buggers here.

Yeah they're getting worse and worse. I thought they'd just fly through, but they're here to stay. Doh!
50 kays a day through the hills would be great fun, I should start riding to work one of these days, maybe after the bloody plague goes! I've wanted to ride to work for ages, but the roos put me off a bit, and the long hours don't help.