Change you cannot believe in.

Wait they are looking to EXPAND their powers?!? No way really?!? This one is scary, he ran on a platform of eliminating this behavior and now want's to expand it and completely absolve himself of any legal liability. This means they can legally spy on government agencies, the RNC (think Watergate), anyone and anything. This is big brother.
It's interesting how nobody wants to give up power, even when it is destructive to the constitutional right to be secure in persons against warrantless searches.

Having said that, conservatives who wholly supported Bushes institution of these policies cannot now scream about their existence now that these powers are being wheeled by a Democrat. Or portray themselves as the keepers of the Bill of Rights.
It's interesting how nobody wants to give up power, even when it is destructive to the constitutional right to be secure in persons against warrantless searches.

Having said that, conservatives who wholly supported Bushes institution of these policies cannot now scream about their existence now that these powers are being wheeled by a Democrat. Or portray themselves as the keepers of the Bill of Rights.

Wow we actually agree! That is good, a very exciting development. But on your second point I think you will find very few conservatives that wholly supported Bush, since Bush was not a conservative. He was socially conservative but definitely not fiscally. The funny thing is that the argument coming from the left on every single issue we have brought up in the past few months has been: "Bush is bad. You lost." Not once have you said, "well here is the specific reason I support this new policy", which is what we are asking. I applaud you for actually sort of possibly saying you disagree with this policy, but why do you support the rest of them? Blind faith? Or do you not really support the policies, just them man? What is the reasoning behind your arguing FOR illegal government activities?
I have to say again and again and again. I did not support Bush and crew ignoring the constition, nor do I support Obama and crew doing it.

What exactly about one group doing something wrong, makes it ok for another group to do the exact same thing more? Its still wrong. That is no justification.