Ever have a zombie day?

I hate forgetting things. Have you ever been driving along in like a controlled daydream? It's like you wake up and are like wtf how did I get here?
I am just glad none of you work for a suicide prevention line;)

joking aside...the older I get the less the natural stimulants work!
While bike is 30 minutes away in storage for winter, I've driven up to do cool things like bleed the brakes and take the tank off for other maintenance items only to find I left the key to unlock the bars! lol

Apparently brain is wired; no gear = don't need key. At two different times I've packed up tools and left the keys! Lovely. Just :Flip: lovely! ;)
The older I get, the more Zombie days I have...:(

If that's the rule, I'm screwed! I'm only 24 and seem to have a fair few.

The scariest ones for me is when I'm in the car/on the bike and arrive wherever I'm going and think to myself "how did I get here?" Happened a lot whilst I was working. (Now I'm studying again not so much) :thumbup:

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